This week I worked on the site’s temple in the North Eastern Section. The temple in question likely hails from the later days of the empire and is dedicated to one of the Emperors. Of the two trenches for the temple, I dug out the Southern Trench, which already had a pre-dug trench. I began the work by clearing up the brush and the first eight centimeters of topsoil. Once I cleared that off, I excavated the first layer (around 3 to 5 centimeters) covering the area. I could not dig too deep because Dr. Hoff wants us to find the dimensions of the wall that has been partially revealed by the pit, preferably without damage to it. Thus, I treaded lightly while excavating. My main area, the south east corner of this particular trench, had many large rocks I had to work around and some modern-day trash. Along with the trash, I found a few potsherds. In addition, this trench has also yielded the handle of an amphora, which broke the pattern of only random potsherds. For this next week, I really hope we can have a better picture of the wall and the area around it, as a way of seeing how far this temple’s reach extended.

Picture: My trench from the vantage point of the temple. Taken by Becky Redelfs (a.k.a. me)