As the first week of work at Antiochia ad Cragum has come to a close, I want to take a moment and fill you in on what we have been doing so far.

This is my second season at Antiochia, and I am so excited to be back as a Peer Educator and get to share my experience with the new students. Our first week was a particularly challenging week. This is because everyone is adjusting to the heat while doing the most physically demanding labor, which for my trench on the acropolis meant clearing brush, moving rubble, and taking out large root systems. Despite the physical challenges the first week has presented, everyone has shown great excitement and enthusiasm about getting to work on the previously unexcavated acropolis.

Next week my trench will hopefully finish the clearing stage, though we do have an extra large debris pile from two separate buildings. While this week has proven the most physically challenging, next so will be the most mentally challenging as the new students learn about everything from what tools to use to how to keep good records of everything that happens in their trench. Until next week.


Brad Smith

Peer Educator