October 17 – 21

Monday, Oct 17

No Seminar

Tuesday, Oct 18

No Seminar

Wednesday, Oct 19

No Seminar

Thursday, Oct 20

MSCS “To Be or NOT To Be”
Get information on the MSCS programs, courses, activities, and the on-campus and off-campus opportunities that await you! Visit the information tables where MSCS faculty can answer all your questions about MSCS courses, research and internship opportunities, advice for what you should take while here, or careers you should consider upon leaving St. Olaf. Of course, strategies for identifying and applying to graduate schools will also be available.

MOST IMPORTANT: Top it all off with ice cream sundaes at the ice cream station. And don’t miss the ten drawings for Pause Pizza gift certificates!
6:30pm, RNS 150 & RNS 1st floor atrium

Chemistry Seminar: Women in Science and Engineering – U of M Graduate Panel
3:15 pm, RNS 410

Friday, Oct 21

MSCS Seminar: Spectral graph theory: a crossroads of graphs and matrices
Kristin Heysse, PhD student at Iowa State
A graph is a representation of relationships between objects. One example of a large graph is the internet, where webpages are the objects and links between them are the relationships. The study of graphs is extensive, and whole classes are taught on single topic. In this talk, we’ll explore spectral graph theory. When studying graphs, it is often useful to encode them into matrices. The matrix contains all the information about a graph, but it becomes large and unmanageable very quickly. Instead, we can capture some aspects of the graph in the eigenvalues of the matrix. We’ll discuss what information about the graph is stored in these eigenvalues and which sorts of graphs are cospectral (having the same set of eigenvalues).
3:40pm, RNS 204