Nov. 27 – Dec. 1, 2017

Monday, November 27

MSCS Colloquium: Mainstream AI: Real and Emerging Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and How It Will Change Jobs
Grant Riewe, ’01 (Mathematics, Computer Science), MBA ’09 Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Associate Partner and Senior Digital Expert with McKinsey & Company.
Abstract: Artificial intelligence is in transition from the theoretical and fantastic to the real and immediate. Businesses are struggling to understand what artificial intelligence means, how it applies to their business, and what talents they need in future employees. This conversation will touch on various elements of AI, including software robotics and process automation, natural language processing, cognitive and intelligent virtual agents and big data. We will conclude with a look at how jobs are going to change, and how to position ourselves to adapt. Content will not require mathematics or computer science background and will be accessible to all.
3:30 pm, RNS 310

Tuesday, November 28

No Events

Wednesday, November 29

Physics Colloquium: Controlling Absorption with Nanophotonics: Photovoltaics and New Optical Materials
Vivian Ferry Ph.D., Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Department at the University of Minnesota
2:00 pm, RNS 210

Thursday, November 30

No Events

Friday, December 1

No Events