Dec 8-12

Monday, December 8

Chemistry Distinction Seminars
Jorden Johnson ‘15
Functionalization of silicon nitride membrane for protein immobilization

Emily Reeves ‘15
Synthesis of Hybrid PVP-Cysteine Coated Silver Nanowires
3:00 p.m. refreshments, seminar will begin at 3:15 RNS 390

MSCS Mega Menger Build-a-thon
St. Olaf will play its part in a world wide Mega- Menger Project by bringing a Level 2 Menger Sponge to life here on campus. Menger Sponge is a common example of a fractal and can be generated with a handful of simple functions, yet it is a fascinating object with infinite surface area and zero volume. In this participatory colloquium you will be introduce to the Menger Sponge, and then help build one out of paper.
3:30 p.m., RMS 6th Floor Lounge

Biology Seminar: Development and Flexibility in Wild Birds: An Eco-Immunology Approach
Biology Department Faculty Candidate
4:00 p.m., RNS 410

Tuesday, December 9

MSCS Game Night
Enjoy a fun night of playing one of your favorite games or choose a game you have not played before from the large selection, with friends and faculty.
6 p.m. – 9 p.m., RMS 6th Floor Lounge

Wednesday, December 10

Biology Seminar
Biology Department Faculty Candidate
4:30 p.m., RNS 410

Thursday, December 11

No Seminar

Friday, December 12

Biology Club Christmas Party
Take a break from your end-of-the-semester studies to enjoy some hot chocolate and cookies and the holiday spirit!
Sponsored by the Tri-Beta Officers
3:00 p.m., RNS 4th Floor Central Atrium