Documentary, No more babies. No más bebés.

Documentary screening Thursday, Mar/31/2016 From 04:30 PM to 06:30 PM  BC012 VIKING THEATER No more babies. No más bebés. See preview here No Más Bebés Official Trailer from Renee Tajima on Vimeo. Bibliografía sobre el tema / Bibliography on Continue reading Documentary, No more babies. No más bebés.

Jterm in Costa Rica 2018: Intermediate Spanish 234

Please see this flyer for detailed info on program and prerequisites  Click here: span234Costa Rica flyer For updated information on costs please go to: Info from: Spanish 234 Intermediate Spanish in Costa Rica Spanish 234 (the equivalent of 232 on campus) Continue reading Jterm in Costa Rica 2018: Intermediate Spanish 234

Spring 2014. Spanish 275 Exploring Hispanic Literature “Artistic portraits and intertexts in Hispanic literature”

Ferdinand de Saussure and Julia Kristeva, key figures in the fields of cultural anthropology, linguistics, and literary theory, have argued that the meaning transferred from reader to writer is always mediated by a set of codes previously established by other Continue reading Spring 2014. Spanish 275 Exploring Hispanic Literature “Artistic portraits and intertexts in Hispanic literature”

SPAN 273: Cultural Heritage of the Hispanic U.S. “Bordering Latino US”

  Prerequisite: Spanish 250     Students examine the diverse elements that have shaped the cultures of U.S. Hispanics through an exploration of political, social, economic, religious, and artistic topics. They develop critical analysis skills through reading, discussion, and written Continue reading SPAN 273: Cultural Heritage of the Hispanic U.S. “Bordering Latino US”