Spring 2014. Spanish 275 Exploring Hispanic Literature “Artistic portraits and intertexts in Hispanic literature”

Ferdinand de Saussure and Julia Kristeva, key figures in the fields of cultural anthropology, linguistics, and literary theory, have argued that the meaning transferred from reader to writer is always mediated by a set of codes previously established by other texts.  In literature, these sets of codes often stem from previous artistic works, such as paintings, fashion designs, artistic movements, films, or literary texts. In this class students will explore literary texts from different genres (poetry, short stories, essays, theater, and novel) and epochs (from Golden Age to Postmodernism), which make implicit or explicit reference to other forms of art.  In order to analyze each text, we will (a) learn and apply different literary approaches to form and content, and (b) establish a dialogue between the multiple codes embedded in them.  Some of the works to be discussed are: “Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea,” a poem by Luis de Góngora;  La contadora de películas, a short novel by Hernán Rivera Letelier; and La cuarterona, a play by Alejandro Tapia y Rivera.Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 11.27.13 PM