Puerto Rico and the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria

Kristina Medina, Assistant Professor of Spanish at St. Olaf College, talks about her homeland, Puerto Rico and the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria.  She is collecting items such as canned goods, water, diapers, hygiene products and more for the people Continue reading Puerto Rico and the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria

KYMN: The Wayne Eddy Affair

Kristina Medina, Assistant Professor of Spanish at St. Olaf College, discusses Puerto Rico, its culture, government, current state, the relief efforts following the devastation from Hurricane Maria, and more…. Click to listen to full interview https://sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/linelogic01/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/12014838/KristinaMedina101717.mp3

KYMN RADIO . Minnesota. Puerto Rico,  relief efforts

Listen to full interview here:   Kristina Medina, Assistant Professor of Spanish at St. Olaf College, discusses Puerto Rico,  relief efforts and the upcoming fundraiser for Mexico and Puerto Rico for those affected by the recent earthquakes and Hurricane Maria.  Benefit