Additional Level 300 Language Course Work – 另外的 300 课程作业


These works consist of a final exam essay and an recorded interview (which also included a group essay) for a group project, both from Chinese 320 – Topic: “Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Culture/Society.”  While the final exam is a reflection of how Confucianism has pervaded into China’s fast pace and successful development, threatening the position of the United States in international relations, my interview was conducted with a Chinese acquaintance of mine about China’s cell phone payment system. While studying Chinese, its culture and belief system, the final exam question gave me a prime opportunity to apply my knowledge and express it in Chinese. This interview project helped me understand why most Chinese people use We Chat to pay for things as well as practicing my listening and speaking skills.


Final Exam Essay


中国的社会和发展可能取得很成功的结果,因为他们的社会和⽂化注重⼈⺠⼀起⼯作。在 中国,很聪明的⼈,政府的⼈,特别技术,和投资的⼈⼀起⼯作,和合作。对于中国的社 会或者政府严重和不太严重的决⼼来说,我认识他们的⼯作和贡献看起来总体现⼀个近的队的对面,有儒家的影响。⽆ 论是中国的⽬标,可以是国际投资和贸易或者提⾼内容的安全,儒家的思想,中国的社会注重集体主义和团队精神,以及每个⼈可以为中国所做的贡献。

美国,⼀个资本主义的社会,应该担⼼将来跟中国的关系。美国的社会有很多不⼀样的意 ⻅和很不⼀样的思想。因为美国的社会有很多不同的教育,有时候,特别现在,看起来美国⼈不在意演一个国家团队精神或者国家的合作,这个⽂化的特征体现在美国和中国的关系中存在的问题中。严重和重要的决 ⼼不总让很多时间。什么是的话题,另外美国可以有越来越陡话题跟小的协议,中国可能已经有重要的决⼼。美国的大和重要的决定常常没有一个协议,因为他资本主义的思想和个人主义干涉跟一个协议。

我希望美国⼈可以发现什么是造成贡献到中国的发展成功。我希望美国的代表和商业⼈进⼀步 了解儒家思想的价值观,⽐如⼀起⼯作!不可否认320 的课加深了我很多年学习中国 ⽂化的体会,特别是贡献到这个⻆度。


Interview Project

A group project, followed with a co-written essay in Chinese and a oral presentation to the class, was primarily aimed to connect with someone in the greater China area and integrate class materials throughout the process. Below, is the full oral interview between myself and my friend/resident assistant, a native to Wuhuan, China, William.