Final Reflection

Final Reflection

I intend to major in studio art, and took ID 242 largely in concession to the importance of entrepreneurship and communication skills. This course’s ACE requirement forced me to think more of administrative policies and outreach. I will describe my proposal in more...
Final Reflection

Final Reflection

I had no idea where to start while writing this reflection. Logically, I went back and read reflections from the last time this course was offered in January of 2020. Illogically, I assumed I’d be able to gather some inspiration about how and what I could reflect on...

Zig-zagging: A Final Reflection

Like many Oles, the Zoom room is not where I thought I’d be in January of 2022. Dreams of off-campus Interim study opportunities were crushed by a deadly virus variant whose name sounds like a Transformer action figure. So this month, we traded Washington DC and all...

Final Reflection on Democracy and the Arts

The ending of this class is mildly frightening.  That might seem at first to be a misleading statement. To clarify, the material of this class isn’t frightening; I’ve had an overall interesting and enjoyable experience. But this class ending means that I’m one step...