A Month Long Conversation

Washington DC is a stunningly confusing and incredible city to me. Though I have lived close to a major city for my whole life, Washington DC threw me for a loop, and much more than I was expecting it to. First, I adapted to a non-grid structure, making me miss and...
Reflecting on the Power of the Audience

Reflecting on the Power of the Audience

It was a whirlwind of a month in DC. We visited sites all over the city and attended a truly astonishing amount of performances. Along the way we discussed funding, censorship, accessibility, citizenship, engagement, and countless other ideas. All of these issues...

For the People, By the People.

Twelve years – give or take a year – was the last time I went to see live theatre. We went as a family to see Wicked and I finally got to see the other side of the story that we watched annually at my house. I’ve been thinking back to why we saw that...
Oh D.C., How I’ll Miss You…

Oh D.C., How I’ll Miss You…

Washington D.C. has been an experience beyond description. It is hard to explain how this course has and will continue to impact me as I process all the amazing opportunities we had here. Not only am I far more informed on the connections between democracy and the...

Art makes change.

Before I arrived in D.C. to take the Democracy and the Arts class, the only connection between democracy and the arts that I thought about was the government supporting the arts. I expected the whole trip to be meeting government officials with the power to make big...