Field Work

I have worked at two different archeological sites

The first is Antiochia ad Cragum where I worked for two summers. The Antiochia ad Cragum Archaeological Research Project is located on the southern Turkish coast in the district of Antalya. At the site, there are baths, a market, colonnaded street, Christian basilica, tombs, a domestic area, and a temple. The St.Olaf team works at the Christian basilica. My first year at Antiochia was the 2018 season as an Archaeological Internship. This summer I worked on the acropolis, the site of the Christian basilica, where my team uncovered two buildings. One building we believe to be a Hellenistic watchtower. The second building we do not know yet. I also worked at Antiochia in the 2019 season as a research student. This summer I worked at the base of the acropolis where we found domestic space which was reused in the Byzantine period for agricultural purposes.

The second is at Bethsaida. The Bethsaida Excavation Project run under Dr. Rami Arav is located at the north shore of the Sea of Galilee. This site is known for an Iron Age city, Hellenistic community, the Jewish community, and Roman community. At this project, I worked the 2019 season at an Iron Age site and a Roman Shrine.

Photo by Hannon Shafir

I have also experienced lab work at the Wiener Lab at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens Greece in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 school year. At the Wiener Lab, I was learning under Zooarchaeologist Flint Dibble. I assisted in his research by assisting in the preparation of osteo-archaeological materials and assisting in the cleaning, consolidating, and numbering of facts.

I will be attending Cardiff University, Wales, the United Kingdom in Fall 2020 to continue my education in Cardiff’s Archaeology and Conservation Masters program.

Cardiff University has officially declared a climate emergency