Building Community 

The Cannon Valley Makers is a group of locals with different interests and experiences that provide synergy. We have come together over the past two years because we believe our community needs a public makerspace. We are an established legal entity and we have been granted not-for-profit status by the IRS. We will make decisions and act with the transparency the public expects and deserves.

Our goal is to create a community of makers who are connected by their common interests and different experiences. Members will come together through the work and projects they pursue. They will teach and learn while sharing space and equipment. We will bring together skilled mentors and aspiring makers. We hope to foster a flow of information and ideas driven by questions and informed by creative exploration.

We know that members will enrich their lives through their experiences and successes as makers. We believe that the Cannon Valley Makers is embedded in the tradition of making things using our hands and our minds in unison, thereby deepening our relation to the world we inhabit.


Draw together a community of makers with a range of ages, interests and skill levels;

Build and maintain an organization to serve the needs makers in our community;

Offer classes and project-based events in public venues: parks, schools, retirement centers, community centers, or street markets and fairs;

Find space and acquire equipment to meet the needs of makers who are limited by space or finances and allow members to pursue their individual interests and goals;

Create an intergenerational exchange of skills, information and ideas;

Engage adults in  teaching aspiring makers through classes, tutoring, and supervised projects;

Offer learning opportunities to all who wish to create and remain active;

Foster the growth of an inclusive maker community.

“It doesn’t matter so much what we make, as long as we can make something.”

Annual Report cover with a collage of three photos