Submitting to The Quarry

We are excited to announce The Quarry Literary and Fine Arts Magazine is now accepting submissions for the 102nd edition of our annual print publication, The Quarry 102, as well as a student-curated exhibition, Transitional States.   As an integral part of our campus’ creative community, we invite you to share your literary and artistic talents with us in all mediums. 

We are looking for ALL types of creative work including (but not limited to) poetry, short stories, studio artwork, music,  dance, and more. Submissions for both opportunities will be open from February 19th to March 9th, with notification by March 16th.  The submission forms and full submission criteria can be found below. Our full submission criteria can be downloaded here

The Quarry is an undergraduate literary and fine arts magazine that features artistic and interdisciplinary creative work by the students of St. Olaf College. Founded in 1923, The Quarry is one of St. Olaf’s oldest student-run publications. We provide a platform for undergraduate publication and strive to make art and creativity accessible to everyone and push the borders of what our community defines as art.

We are seeking submissions from all different mediums that provoke us to reflect on how we define and experience transitioning on both a personal and larger social level. We acknowledge that young adulthood is often a tumultuous time that is in constant flux, which can often be intensified by ever changing political climates. Interpretation of this prompt can take many forms: geographies, stages of life, changes in relationships, political powers, policy changes, identities, new roles, states of being, etc.; though you may adapt this term as you see fit for your own artistic experiences. 

Submission Criteria

Submitting a Series of Works (of any medium) 

  • The number of pieces in a series counts as the number of total submissions. For example, a series containing three separate photographs counts as three submissions. If you have questions about a specific piece counting as a series, please contact
  • Please submit pieces of a series individually, formatted as TITLE_LASTNAMEFIRSTNAME, and, for those submitting multiple pieces of a series, _NUMBER, with the number indicating ranking of preference—1 being most preferred and 4 being least preferred. (e.g., FRANKENSTEIN_SHELLEYMARY_1) Pieces with long titles may be shortened in the file name. (e.g., WUTHERING_BRONTEEMILY_3)

Literary Submissions

The Quarry accepts works of prose and poetry in any genre (fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, poetry, experimental works, et cetera). Please submit pieces in .PDF format.

Prose (Fiction, Nonfiction, Essays)

  • Maximum of 1,000 words (single-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font) per story.
  • Simultaneous submissions (or, pieces being submitted to multiple places at once) are permitted and we do not need to be informed if any piece is accepted elsewhere.
  • If a piece has been published elsewhere previously, it may be submitted. However, a piece may not be re-published to The Quarry.
  • If applicable, please include trigger and content warnings at the top of the document. Please also consider that, while we are able to publish graphic content, pieces that seek to harm, deface, and/or promote hate towards any person or group of people will not be considered for publication.


  • Maximum of 60 lines (single-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font) per poem.
  • Simultaneous submissions (or, pieces being submitted to multiple places at once) are permitted and we do not need to be informed if any piece is accepted elsewhere.
  • If a piece has been published elsewhere previously, it may be submitted. However, a piece may not be re-published to The Quarry.
  • If applicable, please include trigger and content warnings at the top of the document. Please also consider that, while we are able to publish graphic content, pieces that seek to harm, deface, and/or promote hate towards any person or group of people will not be considered for publication.

Artistic Submissions

The Quarry is able to accept works of art across all mediums and formats. Please format files (.PDF, .JPEG, .PNG, .WAV, .MP3, .MOV preferred) as TITLE_LASTFIRSTNAME, and, for those submitting multiple pieces, _NUMBER, with the number indicating ranking of preference, with 1 being most preferred and 5 being least preferred. (e.g., THEKISS_KLIMPTGUSTAV_1) Pieces with long titles may be shortened in the file name. (e.g., ALLQUIET_BERGEREDWARD_2)

2D Art (Photography, paintings, digital art, collages, etc.) 

  • Please include artwork dimensions (height x width) and specific medium(s) with your submission (e.g., B&W film photography, gouache painting, digital drawing, etc.).
  • Ensure all submissions are, at minimum, at 300 DPI in order to ensure resolution and quality for printing or gallery reproduction. (This can be done with the printers available on campus.)

Music, Film, and Performance

  • Please submit a high-resolution video, file, or link to your work using an .MP4 or .MOV file, Vimeo link, or YouTube link.
  • If you are submitting a piece that has an auditory aspect (lyrics, dialogue, etc.), please consider adding closed captions or attaching a script with your work.

Other Submissions

  • We are looking to publish all types of artistic work. This includes, but is not limited to: textile works, pottery and ceramics, wearable art, functional art, video games, sculpture, theater scripts, music compositions, etc. 
  • Please include artwork dimensions and medium(s) with your submission (e.g., wire sculpture, yarn, porcelain, etc.).
  • If you have concerns or questions about submitting your piece, please reach out to quarry-interdisciplinary.

For additional information on the submission criteria and process, please reach out to our editors at quarry-execquarry-artquarry-literary,  and Find us on Instagram at the_quarry_mag.