6. Revise

Share what you’ve written so far with a classmate. Go through the following steps:


  1. Read each other’s paragraphs and see if you can identify both images/metaphors and counterarguments. If this is difficult, think about how you could revise to make the strategy more obvious. Maybe you need a stronger image, or to add signaling phrases like “Some people think …”
  2.  Then, consider if the strategy has been used effectively: Did the person’s writing make you feel something about this topic? Did they make you think about the topic in a new way? Did they respond persuasively to a criticism?  

Is there anything else they can add to improve their writing so far, such as transitions, a concluding sentence, or a more clear initial claim? Remember that you can bring that metaphor back at the end like Greta does, to make your writing more focused.


Next: Share your writing