4. Timeline

This is an interactive timeline that highlights some of the key events of Greta Thunberg’s activism. Start by clicking the link below, and use the arrow on the right to scroll through the information and images of these events. Videos of Thunberg’s speeches are included throughout the timeline. Please select two of these provided speeches to view. As you’re watching, use the provided graphic organizer to take notes on what you see and hear.

Created by Lauren Dahl, Liv Nyckelmoe, and Helena Skadberg

Discussion questions:

Discuss these with a partner or small group. You can use the graphic organizer to take notes.

  1. If you were aware of who Greta is before viewing this timeline, can you identify when you found out about her? What were your first impressions of her? How has this timeline altered your impression?

2. Have you heard Greta or school strikes discussed at your school or in your local area? What kinds of things have you read or heard?

3. Which moment in the timeline do you think is most significant and why?

Next: Final Reflection