J. F. Anderst Brass Instruments

J. F. Anderst Instrument Maker – St. Petersburg 1820s
On the left, Bassocorno in C; on the right, F tenor horn.
An old and rare set of brass instruments has been recently rediscovered at the Kuopio (Finland) City Museum of Culture and History. The set of nine instruments appear to be unique in the musical world, partly because they have an unusual valve technology, because they appear to be very early in the evolution of valved brass instruments, and the collection is quite large and complete.
This web site will share emerging information about the maker, the instruments, their unique characteristics including the “butterfly” valve technology, about how these instruments have came to be found in Finland. These instruments have been an intensely interesting research subject for me since 2005.
My paper about these instruments was published as a brochure for an exhibit by the Kuopio Regional Historical Museum.