Peach Blossom Spring

A reading route prepared by Yilin (FLAC), Chenchen (FLAC), Peter, Jae

The narrator compares the fisherman Wuling’s experience in the Peach Blossom Spring with her own experience in Taipei. She inserts some quotations from the former one into the latter, and contrasts the description of the Utopia aspect in the Peach Blossom Spring story with the dystopian aspects in Taipei.

Meanwhile, the Peach Blossom Spring is also in someway parallel with the narrator’s own story, because they share the similar ending — Neither the fisherman nor the narrator was able to find the Utopia in the end. The author chooses to display different quotations in different timelines of the story, so that the story reflects or contrasts her feelings at that period of the time.


Peach Blossom Short Video

Stop 1: Qingguang Market 晴光市场

Stop 2: Mackay Hospital 偕医馆

Stop 2: Zhongshan Road 中山路

Stop 5: Seimon Market 西门市场

Stop 6: Zhao'an Market 照安市场

Stop 7: Guide Street 贵德街口

Stop 7: Co-op Bank 合作金库

Stop 8: Huanhe Road 环河路

Stop 8: Sluice Gate 堤防水门

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For you, compared to the real past, all these were simply too new, and you wanted nothing to do with them, not to buy a magazine or enjoy a cup of coffee, since that would surely lead to the beginning of something that would soon disappear; otherwise, why would you have offered up so many lamentations wondering how to enter Qingguang Market? A location you vaguely recalled was now overrun by McDonald’s, Giordano, Sanshang qiaofu, Nicai Boutiques, or Wendy’s, 7-11, Michelle Fashions, and Hang Ten. You felt like the Jin dynasty fisherman from Wuling….  Page 161

它们相较于过往对你来说都曾是太新的东西,你不愿与它有任何关系,哪怕只是买本杂志喝杯咖啡,因为那注定又将种下一场流逝的开端,否则你如何能全心慨叹奇怪晴光市场要如何才能进入,你依稀记得的位置如今布满了麦当劳佐丹奴三商巧福尼采精品或温蒂7–11 米雪儿服饰HANG TEN,你仿佛晋太元中武林人捕鱼为业……Page 168


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All of a sudden you couldn’t recall what it had been before. Like an eyewitness who, after going to the police to report a dead body, returns to the scene only to see there was no body, no blood stains, everything normal, you told your future husband in a sobbing voice that the place was never like this or like this, that it should be like that and like that. In a panicky mood, you pointed here and there aimlessly; in a word, you were lost.

During the Taiyuan Reign of the Jin Dynasty a fisherman of Wuling once rowed upstream, unmindful of the distance he had gone….  Page 173-174


晋太元中,武林人捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近…… Page 176


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It was “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree,” a popular song in your youth….. In your memory, the only comparable scene was the Suzhou described in poems and lyrics, and Master Liu’s Canal, which ran past the side gate of your college when you were still a student there…..You liked the song so much you were reluctant to stay for the whole thing, so you slowly walked away.

During the Taiyuan Reign of the Jin Dynasty a fisherman of Wuling once rowed upstream, unmindful of the distance he had gone, when he suddenly came to a grove of peach trees….     Page 185

歌是你年轻时候的流行歌《系条黄丝带在老橡树上》….. 记忆中,只有诗词描述的苏州和大学时学校侧门琉公圳畔的情景可比….. 你喜欢得不得了的,因此不忍卒听,渐行渐远。

晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近,忽逢桃花林…..    Page 184


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In the forty-eighth year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, the Quanzhou immigrant, Chen Laizhang, was permitted to develop the wilderness of Dajia nabao, and Mengjia gradually grew into a village…..

During the Taiyuan Reign of the Jin Dynasty a fisherman of Wuling once rowed upstream, unmindful of the distance he had gone, when he suddenly came to a grove of peach trees in bloom… the wild flowers grew beneath them, and fallen petals covered the ground — it made a great impression on the fisherman…..

It made a great impression on the fisherman. He went on for a way with the idea of finding out how far the grove extended. It came to an end at the foot of a mountain whence issued the spring that supplied the stream. There was a small opening in the mountain, and it seemed as though light was coming through it…. Page 198



渔人甚异之,复前行,欲穷其林,林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光…..有一刻恍惚,你不知置身何处,阡陌交通,其中往来男女衣着悉如人,黄发垂髫,怡然自乐。  Page 193

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So you chose to walk back to Seimon Market through Suehiro-machi…. What had attracted you to that fable had to do with the spirits that had ended up here after a period of wandering, just like you. Their ancestors had fled the disorders of Qin times and, having taken refuge here with wives and children and neighbors, had never ventured out again; consequently they had lost all contact with the outside world. They asked what the present dynasty was, for they had never heard of the Han, let alone the Wei and the Jin.  Page 199


于是你择末广町走回西门市场…..寓言故事里吸引你的是那与你一样流落在此的狐仙神魂,避秦时乱,率妻子邑人来此绝境,不复出焉,遂与外人间隔,问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。    Page 193

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To the left was Zhao’an Market, Zhao’an Hamlet. The people of Zhao’an, Zhangzhou, made a living fishing

Mitsuhashi-machi. The gunite exterior of the Renaissance-style bank was filthy. It had taken the place of a small community park with lush, fragrant grass and pretty flowers.   Page 202-203


三桥町。仿文艺复兴式的银行,喷浆材料显得脏兮兮的,它占着的位置原来是芳草鲜美落英缤纷的社区小公园。 Page 196

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At the corner of Guide Street, Inagakei Tobei from Hyogo County had once run People’s Home and the Inari-ko Charity School to give the poor, colonized children a free education. The place was now the location of the Co-op Bank (city, bank, prostitution). You continued on through the forest, and where it ended at a source of water, there was an empty warehouse like building. Page 212

贵德街口,昔年兵库县人稻垣藤兵卫在此办“人类之家”、“稻江艺塾”,免费教育被殖民的困苦儿童,现在是合作金库(城市,银行嫖妓……),复前行,欲穷其林,林尽水源,有仓库也似的空屋一幢。 Page 202





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During the Taiyuan Reign of the Jin Dynasty a fisherman of Wuling once rowed upstream, unmindful of the distance he had gone, when he suddenly came to a grove of peach trees in bloom… the wild flowers grew beneath them, and fallen petals covered the ground — it made a great impression on the fisherman. He went on for a way….

But where would you be when you walked past the small sluice gate after risking your life to cross Huanhe Road (the dump trucks, as usual, showed no sign of slowing down or braking when they came to a red light)?

There was a small opening in the mountain, and it seemed as though light was coming through it. The fisherman left his boat and entered the cave, which at first was extremely narrow, barely admitting his body; after a few dozen steps it suddenly opened out onto a broad and level plain… it turned out to be the Dadaocheng Pier for the Mahasattva Ferry. You were hoping to use the toilet in the tiny pier office, but you didn’t see even the shadow of a dog, let alone a person. So you headed toward the riverbank.

This riverbank had no rich fields and pretty ponds. No mulberry, bamboo, and other trees grew there, no criss-cross paths skirting the fields, no sounds of cocks crowing and dogs barking, but where were you?   Page 214




江畔并无良田美池桑竹之属,阡陌交通远处可闻鸡犬,但这是哪里?Page 203

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So you walked toward the place in the distance where men and women were coming and going about their work in the fields. The clothes they wore were like those of ordinary people. Old men and boys were carefree and happy …

When they caught sight of the fisherman, even though they didn’t ask you where you came from, you wondered how they could tell you were a foreigner, as you reflected that you’d lost your colonial map and had no red letter tattooed on your face … You’d barely entered the village when pairs of eyes the same age as you father’s came at you, showing surprise and fear, and they asked you where you came from … After clearing things up, they began to complain to you, but as he was about to go away, the people said, “There’s no need to mention our existence to outsiders.”  Page 214-215


男女见渔人乃大惊,虽未问所从来,你检点自己以丢了殖民地地图,脸上也无刺青红字,他们何能认出你是异国之人?…… 才进村子,立即一双双像你父亲同样年纪的眼睛惊怒向你,问所从来…… 待明白了,便纷纷向你抒发诉苦,只是走前再再叮嘱此中人语云,不足为外人道也。    Page 204

[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Stop 10″ use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid”]

As expected, you heard the men and women behind say something, but you ignored them, preferring to head toward the sunny basketball court where a few youngsters were having a pick-up game, not caring if she was invited to go to their house, where she would be served wine while they killed someone for a feast.     Page 216

你果然听到身后不远处有男女向你发言声,你不理,执意往有阳光并有几名少年在斗牛的篮球场走去,不理他们是因为可能会便要还家设酒杀作食。  Page 204

[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Stop 11″ use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid”]

Their ancestors had fled the disorders of Qin times and, having taken refuge here with wives and children and neighbors, had never ventured out again; consequently they had lost all contact with the outside world. They asked what the present ruling dynasty was, for they had never heard of the Han, let alone the Wei and the Jin … near the overpass, the gray wall that kept getting taller, like a prison wall, was clean and unmarked, no graffiti, nothing!

What is this place?… You began to wail.

A shimmering ocean, a beautiful island, the essential site of our sage kings and wise elders’ destiny.    Page 218




婆娑之洋,美丽之岛,我先王先民之景命,实式凭之。  Page 205





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Stop 1 Analysis

This is the first time Peach Blossom Spring appears in this novella. Everything is new and strange to the narrator, so she feels like she is a foreigner like the fisherman from Wuling. The author remembers her feeling while in Taibei: she feels lost in the city. Taipei had been transformed to a totally new place, and she cannot relate herself to the city anymore. Nothing remains the same in the city. Nothing contains her memories. She is afraid of recall the old things, because she is afraid of losing again once a new thing starts.

Stop 2 Analysis

She got lost to the original place like the fisherman, but in a sorrow way. The author used a metaphor that compares the disappear of the old place to someone that “returns to the scene only to see there was no body, no blood stains,” which not only means the place she was familiar with disappeared completely, but also means she was so shocking to see the complete change of a place into something strangeness.



Stop 3 Analysis

The song that she used to listen to when she was young reminds the author of her memories in the old Taipei (before it was transformed under the new regime), which is the peach blossom spring for her.  She was walking along the road and suddenly attracted by her favorite song in her youth, just like the fisherman was walking along the river and suddenly ran into the Peach Blossom Spring. It was a delight for her, and even made her can’t stop listening and remembering all the “good old days”.

Stop 4 Analysis

The english version doesn’t translate 有一刻恍惚,你不知置身何处,阡陌交通,其中往来男女衣着悉如人,黄发垂髫,怡然自乐。It is questionable whether the translator missed the sentence on purpose, or just forgot to translate that part in English. The added sentence reveals the lost feeling of the author in an Utopian place, i.e. Japan, that everyone around her seems happy and living a fulfilled life, but she did not feel herself belong to the place.





Stop 5 Analysis

The author used this quotation to describe the story of fable and herself. She moved to Taiwan with her father because of political issues just like the people in the Peach Blossom Spring.After staying in Taiwan for a long time, the author and other people that moved to Taiwan during the war period start to disconnect with the outside world and the mainland China. They do not know how China is developing now, and they live a disconnected life with the outside world.

Stop 6 Analysis

The author adopted the phrases in the poem and used them as adjectives. By stating “It had taken the place of a small community park with lush, fragrant grass and pretty flowers.”, the author indicates that the originally beautiful community has turned into the filthy bank place, and that things have changed a lot in a bad and messy way.

Stop 7 Analysis

The author wanted to go to the end of Co-op Bank to see what it is, just like Wuling people wants to see the peach blossom spring. However, The difference between what the author experienced and the fisherman experienced is that the fisherman had a delight surprise after crossing the forest; he saw the Peach Blossom Spring and everyone lives happily in the village. However, the author did not see anything that delightful at the source of water; instead, she saw an empty abandoned warehouse that was no longer used.

Stop 8 Analysis

This is the whole story of the author to explore sluice gate and what it is outside, which is similar to the story of Wuling people to explore Peach Blossom Spring. However, she is not able to find any place like peach blossom spring. This contrast reinforces the author’s frustration from the transformed city. The fisherman kept getting beautiful things in the Peach Blossom Spring during his continue exploring, while the author did not see anything welcoming or “Utopian” during her trip to the river bank.

Note: 1. “无论人影” adapts the structure of “无论魏晋“.  2. The translation is wrong in the last part of the quotations. There should not be bold “no”s. Instead, there is crossroads and dog barking according to the original text.

Image Credit: Leah Suffern

Stop 9 Analysis

The story happened in the village. By juxtaposing the quotation from Peach Blossom Spring that describes the utopian village that the author is longing for: The clothes they wore were like those of ordinary people. Old men and boys were carefree and happy. And the description of Taipei that she is looking at: Actually, most of them were sitting under the tree on rickety rattan chairs either they or someone else had discarded…, the author reinforces the dystopian aspect of Taipei that is no longer an utopian place like peach blossom spring.

Note: “种作男女” adapts the structure from “其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人”.

Stop 10 Analysis

Again, by mixing the quotation of Peach Blossom Spring (where she would be served wine), which portrays the ideal village and people, and description of the city that the author is in (they killed someone for a feast) together in the same sentence, the author strengthens the dystopian aspect of Taipei. The author was skeptical to the people around her and had negative impression on them, comparing to the fisherman trusted the villagers and experienced a feast with food and wine at the village.

Stop 11 Analysis

This is the last quotation in the whole novella. It reflects the reason why she lives in Taiwan. The author came to Taipei with her father because of political issues in mainland china, just like the people in Peach Blossom Spring. The difference between the author’s situation and that of the fisherman is that the villagers lived a happy and satisfied life in the Peach Blossom Spring and that they did not have to worry about what dynasty is outside of their world. On the other hand, although Taiwan is part of the world and can connect with the outside, people who moved to Taiwan started to get used to the situation and loss the curiosity to explore the outside world, and things in Taipei lost history and colors that they used to have. Even though the fisherman marked the place when he left, he couldn’t find the peach  blossom spring when he came back. For the author, all the places are “clean and unmarked”, there is no clue at all for her to find her Utopia again, so she began to wail “What is this place?”