Pages 111-123 Variation Analysis
A reading route prepared by Yilin (FLAC), Chenchen (FLAC), Peter, Jae
The quotations interjected throughout the text illuminate the narrator’s relationship with both the city and with A. They show the narrator’s longing to be with A and experience the city with her as she once had. Not only is the material in the quotations significant, but the places from which the quotes were selected is important. The quotes are unfamiliar to readers because there is no context behind them. However, in the story of the narrator, they become to have meanings. “St. Mark’s Square” in quotation reveals the narrator’s loneliness without A; “Snowfall” in quotations injected in the middle of the story reveals the changing relationship climate between the narrator and A; “The aging Governor-General had a pair of ancient eyes” represents the narrator’s personal feelings and thoughts about Taiwan that had undergone changes.
Image (Left) Credit: From Baidu Image Image (Right) Credit: From Baidu Image

我在圣马可广场,看到天使飞翔的特技,摩尔人跳舞,但没有你,亲爱的,我孤独难耐。 ——I. V. Foscarini Page 133
I was at St. Mark’s Square, watching the acrobatic flights of angels and the dancing of the Moors, but, without you, my dear, the loneliness was unbearable. ——I. V. Foscarini Page 111
祗园街上却满满都是人…… 你也随着人潮走…… 我在圣马可广场,看到天使飞翔的特技,摩尔人跳舞,但没有你,亲爱的,我孤独难耐。page 180-181
Gion was wall-to-wall people… You got swept up in the crowd… I was at St. Mark’s Square, watching the acrobatic flights of angels and the dancing of the Moors, but, without you, my dear, the loneliness was unbearable. page 181
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咸丰七年春正月、淡水大雪 Page 134
The first lunar month in the seventh year of the Xianfeng reign, a major snowfall in Tamsui. Page 112
- A 随后毫不犹豫地便陪宋去搭车送她回家。……
你一人走在荒草长长的路上,看着通红的晚霞:心里宁静的微小声音唱着学校合唱团正练习的《当晚霞满天》,唱到我爱、我爱,让我祝福你…… 眼前哗哗哗地降起漫天大雪。 Page 137-138
Without the least hesitation, A walked with Song to the bus stop and saw her home…
Walking alone on the weedy path and looking at the fiery red sunset, in a tiny voice you sang to yourself “When the Sunset Rages in the Sky,” a song your school choir had been practicing. When you got to “My love, my love, let me wish you the best … ,” snow flurries filled the air. Page 116-117
- 你回答A,你和xxx一定会收拾好再离开,xxx是你当时的男朋友,A看你一眼,咸丰七年春正月,大雪。 Page 179
You replied that you and X X X would make sure everything was neat and tidy before leaving, X X X being your boyfriend at the time. A gave you a look. The first month of the seventh year of the Xianfeng reign, a heavy snowfall. Page 178
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可憎的绿,湿滑的城,总督垂垂老矣,有着远古的双眼。——D·H·劳伦斯 Page 138
In the disgusting green and slippery damp city, the aging Governor had ancient eyes. —— D.H. Lawrence Page 138
Variation 1:
Your school was located in Bumbu-machi and the first thing you saw when you left the school grounds was the Governor-General’s Office. The building was less than four decades older than you, but it gave the impression of being old and decrepit. Without giving it a second thought, you assumed it had a history going back at least a century or two, but at other times you assumed it had been built by the Nationalist government, which came over with your parents’ generation. Page 119
学校在文武町,出门就是总督府,总督府大你们不到四十岁,却给人垂垂老矣之感,你们从不考虑地以为它起码有一两百年历史,有时又以为它是父辈随来的国府盖的。Page 139
Variation 2:
如今得把对面两三幢公寓抹平、把环河快速道路和提防拆除,才能明白陈天来当年怎么会斥巨资把宝贝房子建在这里。总督垂垂老矣,有远古的双眼,他最发达的后人陈寿山已退隐,料它能像黑面祖师一般物态何曾改、江山一古今这样豁达吗? Page 203
But now you’d have to level the apartment buildings across the way and demolish the River Expressway and levees before you could appreciate why Chen Tianlai had lavished so much money on his precious house. The aging Governor-General had a pair of ancient eyes. Chen Shoushan, his most prosperous descendant, had retired. Could he have been as sanguine as the black-faced patriarch, who said, “The appearance of things has not changed; the mountains and rivers are the same now as they were in ancient times”? Page 213

Old: Baroque-style mansions along the Tamsui River (Image Credit: 臺灣記憶)
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Stop 1 Variation Analysis
The narrator was wandering around by herself in Japan, on the crowded street in Gion. With the absence of A, she felt lonely in the crowd and felt lost in the city. The crowded people and the loneliness of the author makes a big contradiction. A shared much childhood memories with the author. Without A who can share meaningful history with her, the author is a lonely stranger.
Stop 2 Variation Analysis
Variation 1 analysis:
A agreed to go home with Song without hesitation. While the author walked home alone in the sunset, she felt lonely. The scene reminded her of the song she learned in the school choir, that express the deep love to the close one. The author was so closed with A before, but now it is Song but not herself staying with A. All she could do to A was just wish her the best. She felt so sad, lonely and cold, just like there was a big snowfall in her heart.
Variation 2 analysis:
A got her boyfriend Song, and were not so close to you anymore. Your relationship with A was like a heavy snowfall — cold and in a deadlock. You did not want to look lonely, so You also got Your boyfriend, and decided to leave A. By saying that You “would make sure everything was neat and tidy before leaving”, it seems like A and You were not behaving like close friends, but more like a tenant and the landlord.
Stop 3 Variation Analysis
Variation 1:
There are several layers of this sentence:
The narrator first mentioned the building as “old and decrepit”, because Taiwan is developing fast over the past few decades. Although the building was built only 40 years ago, it is already out-of-date and has a strong contradiction comparing to the surrounding new buildings.
The Governor-General’s Office was actually built by the Japanese government during WWII, but the narrator mentions that sometimes people assumed the building had been built by the Nationalist government. This reflects that people are not willing to trace back to the tragic history that Taiwan was once dominated by Japan and bombed by the U.S. Because this part of the history is not often mentioned, people start to misunderstand it or intentionally misremember it in a better way.
Variation 2:
The narrator reminisces of a time when apartment buildings and roads didn’t foul the city’s natural landscape. By interjecting a quote describing an aging Governor with ancient eyes, it reinforces the idea that the narrator sees the city as it once was but many people do not anymore. Ancient eyes can look back through time and see a place before it has changed.

Now: Baroque-style mansion of tea tycoon Chen Tianlai (Image Credit: Leah Suffern)