4/2 Mountains and the Ocean-1

WALIS Nokan, “Atayal” Tarokothe Pacific Oceanthe sunmilleta national flagsaltthe glory of the menthe rainbow bridgeGovernor-General Sakuma SamataWhen the stele finally came to an open wasteland, it cleaned the tattoos off its body until it became a child of the...

3/19 Formosa Revisited

"Zeelandia," "Formosa, 1661," "Taiwan," and "Pacific Wind" See my 2/7 Formosa keywords:https://pages.stolaf.edu/mtoc/2019/02/05/2-7-formosa/ CHANG, “The Modernist-Nativist Contention - and Misconceptions” the foreign-influenced...

3/5 Stadiums

CHU T’ien-hsin, “The Old Capital” Read this webpage. MORRIS, “Introduction” to A History of Baseball in Taiwan a Meiji-era import to Japanthe Japanese empirethe Japanese spiritthe Chinese spiritthe Taiwanese government – 2000 election of Chen Shui-bianglobal...

2/28 Dadaocheng

CHU T’ien-hsin, “The Old Capital” p.210-212You walked along, following the landmark map in your head, to Dihua Street, where you had stopped for all kinds of things for the three major holidays of the year.So you were forced to enter from Lane 49, one side of which...

2/26 Tamsui

CHU T’ien-hsin, “The Old Capital” p.113-116the wide river [Tamsui River]: “Doesn’t that look like the Yangtze River?” / You ignored the single-ridge southern Min-style houses, with their slanted roofs, agreeing that it was a San Francisco sort of...