"Zeelandia," "Formosa, 1661," "Taiwan," and "Pacific Wind"

See my 2/7 Formosa keywords:

2/7 Formosa

CHANG, “The Modernist-Nativist Contention - and Misconceptions”
  1. the foreign-influenced Modernist work
  2. Nativist literary debate in 1977 and 1978
  3. the expulsion from the United Nations in 1971
  4. Richard Nixon’s visit to the People’s Republic of China
  5. the termination of the country’s diplomatic relations with Japan in 1972
  6. confidence crisis
  7. the Nativists’ advocacy for a noncapitalist socioeconomic system
  8. the “provincial identity problem” (sheng-chi wen-t’i)
  9. the traditional Chinese pragmatic view of literature
  10. Yü Kuang-chung [Yu Guangzhong] accusing the Nativists of being leftists
  11. polar opposition–modernism versus nativism, avant-garde experiment versus realistic writing, and urban, capitalist economy versus the agrarian mode of production in rural areas
  12. Huang Ch’un-ming