WU Ming-Yi, The Man with the Compound Eyes
  1. memory
  2. writing
  3. “But if you represent these memories in writing, you would discover that the mind adds massive amounts of material anytime it weaves an episodic memory. In this way, the world reconstructed in writing approximates even more closely what you call ‘the realm of nature.’ It’s an organism.” (p.279)

WU Mingyi, “The Mysterious Revelations of Nature Writing”
  1. nature writing
  2. colonial culture
  3. aphasia
  4. amnesia
  5. ecological colonialism
  6. Nature writing teaches us that at the bottom of the colonial empire of ecology–if there is such a thing–are exactly the denizens of the Earth that sustain the lives of the conquerors. [在自然寫作者的筆下我們發現,整個生態殖民帝國(如果有的話),那最底層的子民,竟恰恰是供養其上征服者生存的──土地。]
  7. nature writers begin to “liberate” nature
W.B. YEATS, “To Some I Have Talked with by the Fire”

wing above wing, flame above flame

To some I have talked with by the fire