CHU T’ien-hsin, “The Old Capital”


  1. You walked along, following the landmark map in your head, to Dihua Street, where you had stopped for all kinds of things for the three major holidays of the year.
  2. So you were forced to enter from Lane 49, one side of which was taken up by food stalls packed with dinners who looked up from their four-herb soup or oyster pancakes to stare at you.
  3. But you were not holding a map and your clothes were rather ordinary, so why were they “shocked to see the fisherman?”
  4. since the sacred ground of the 2/28 Incident was now occupied by Black Beauty Restaurant, you could not pay your respects.
  5. You continued on through the forest, and where it entered at a source of water, there was an empty warehouse-like building.


  • Close read every page from 214 to 217.

TAO Yuanming, “The Peach Blossom Spring”

Please review the entire story.

“Cross-generational Conversations on the 228 Incident”
  1. banned books
  2. martial law
  3. White Terror
  4. Mainlander vs. Taiwanese local residents
  5. history vs. story
  6. second-generation Mainlander
  7. elites
  8. Peace Memorial Day
  9. late president Chiang Kai-shek
  10. Your silence is violence.
Wan-yao CHOU, “The February 28 Incident”
  1. collective nightmare
  2. Chiang Kai-shek
  3. Ch’en Yi
  4. Chinese Nationalist Party (aka KMT)
  5. 1947 illegal tobacco vs. Monopoly Bureau
  6. Resolution Committee for the February 29 Incident
  7. martial law
  8. writers, artists, educators, industrialists, people working in the media, locally elected people’s representatives, doctors, judges, public prosecutors, lawyers, local gentry, the leading aboriginals, and many others
  9. traumatized