
Photo used with permission of the ELCA Archives

Lutheran Bibliographies

These bibliographies focus on Lutheran women and ordination, primarily but not exclusively in the United States. They point to materials that informed the debate about women’s ordination in the late 1960s as well as to scholarship about the experiences of women pastors and the effects of that decision for the churches. A few continue the debate. For a sample of other work by Lutheran scholars on a wider range of theological matters see the annotated bibliography published by the ELCA Justice for Women Program in 2012 and look for an updated, searchable version in process. More general studies of women’s ordination are listed in a separate bibliography on this page.

Lutheran Historical and Theological Works
Lutheran Denominational Periodicals
Lutheran Official Documents, Minutes, and Reports

ELCA resources, events, news


 ELCA resources (includes video interviews)

  • Five Session Adult Forum
  • Bible Study
  • Worship Resources
  • Banners


                                                                                     Information about Rostered Leaders’ Gathering, July 2020

Procession of Women Clergy, 2019 Churchwide Assembly, Friday Worship. You-tube.

April Larsen at 2019 Churchwide Assembly. You-tube.

ELCA video with interviews. You-tube.

Emily McFarlan Miller, “‘A Celebration for the Whole Church’: ELCA Women Reflect on 50 Years of Ordination.” Religious News Service, August 16, 2019. (Photo from linked article.)

St. Olaf chapel events: 

  • L. DeAne Lagerquist
  • Kristine Carlsen
  • Bishop R H (SE Minn Synod)
  • Beverly Wallace


Bibliography of General Reports on Women’s Ordination

This bibliography includes materials concerned with women’s ordination more generally. Their approaches vary from theological to historical and quantitative. Some items treat specific churches or traditions, others include several groups. Some studies are rather dated, but continue to provide valuable historical perspective.

Studies of Women's Ordination