Pay it Forward: Compile a list of advice for someone doing a project like this one in the future.


  • read and re-read the text. Since the project is text based, it is invaluable to know even the more subtle aspects of what you’re reading.


  • start early in the day. You’ll thank yourself later when you have time to do the things that keep you healthy (like exercise) and get to bed on time.


  • make an effort to know as much of your content by heart as possible so that you can answer others’ questions about it. This will also aid you in pursuing interesting aspects of your research that you might have otherwise missed (i.e. muslin.) (don’t just find sources, dump them on a page and forget about them)


  • be responsible for yourself. collaborate, but don’t concern yourself too much with the work habits of your group members if they’re getting their work done well and on time.


  • listen to your group members and be sensitive to what your group members need from you.


  • be open and honest, and maintain communication channels. Resist the urge to talk with others or “bottle it up” if you’re having issues- talk to the person directly or talk to your boss. Waiting to confront a misunderstanding or disagreement will only make it worse in the long run.


  • Don’t be afraid to ask for constructive criticism from your boss/ mentor. Maintain regular communication with them about your personal progress. This is invaluable for your growth as a researcher/ scholar/ group member.


  • Take breaks and respect yourself. it is hard to enforce this when you’re working independently (I sometimes found myself working from late afternoon into the early morning)  but you have to take care of your own mental health. This will make you a better and more effective worker when you return to your research.