The Disturbed and Undisturbed Land in Japan

Something that has been going through my head a lot over the last few weeks, especially after going through some of the photos I have taken, is the idea of what “nature” in Japan has been disturbed by humans, and what has not. At this point, I am confident...

Expectations for the Dead

Insult is given in commemoration of the environmental havoc wrecked by the Ashio Copper mine’s water pollution. Incense lies half burned beneath the concrete altar. The vases are sealed by spider webs and filled with black water. A dry lichen grows along the face of...

Forward to where?

Throughout history, both science and technology have always driven societies forward. Despite its positive connotation, forward should not necessarily be associated with beneficial progress. Forward can mean movement in the “wrong” direction. Forward with respect to...

The Problems that Nuclear Waste Management Reveal

One of the topics that we covered during our interim class is energy production and the dangers of nuclear power. More specifically, we discussed the ways in which the Fukushima accident affected the lives of many Japanese people and how radioactivity will certainly...