Apply to be an Editor

The Reed will begin accepting editor applications in September of 2024.

The Reed is not currently accepting new editor applications. However, we onboard new editors each year, typically in the early Fall. This page explains the responsibilities and requirements of editors.

Editors do not need a background in existentialism, but should have experience reviewing and critiquing academic papers, short stories, poetry, or art in a formal or informal context. While many of our editors have been philosophy majors, the board has also contained editors majoring in English, religion, art, and more.

Requirements for Applying:

  • Editorial Staff must be enrolled at St. Olaf College.
  • Editors should expect to commit to read and critique between 8-25 submissions each, providing feedback on the viability of the piece for the journal and presenting their findings to the editorial board. The bulk of this work will occur during the Interim and Spring semester.
  • Editors should be present and reliable members of The Reed so as to ensure our continued success.
  • Editors are expected to assist with fundraising efforts as they are able and to attend all mandatory meetings. We typically hold around 5 required meetings per academic year.

Stay tuned for the next cycle of editorial onboarding!