Our Instruments

Our Instruments


Bachi are the drum sticks used to play taiko. They come in a variety of sizes according to the type of drum they’re used for. Bachi also come in a variety of woods and weights depending on the player’s preference.

Chu Daiko

The chu is the most commonly used drum. It creates a low sound. It can be played at an angle called naname or in an upright position that’s low to the ground called beta.

O Daiko

Os are the biggest drum and create the loudest and lowest sound. They can be played up high or in the beta position as well.

Shime Daiko

The shime is the timekeeper for taiko songs. It has a high sound and often plays a repetitive rhythm to keep other players in time. Shime is shortened from “tsukeshime-daiko”, which references the tightening of the rope that holds the shime together.

Okedo Daiko

The okedo is another form of shime that has a sound higher than the chu but lower than the shime. It can be played as a timekeeper or by itself.