Clinical Practice

In her clinical practice, Donna McMillan does psychotherapy with adults. Sometimes this is short-term, even single-session, psychological consultation focused on a current life issue or question. More often it is longer therapy, addressing issues like anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, relationships, identity, and life transitions. She is often struck by the strength and resilience that people draw upon to get through tough times.

In psychotherapy, the client and therapist delve deeply to enhance self-understanding and to chart a path for growth and change. It is a powerful process for both. For the client, it’s a unique collaborative opportunity for dedicated exploration of one’s self, to reflect on one’s life and ways of being, and to grow and heal. For Donna as a therapist, it is a cherished privilege to get to travel this path with the client and help navigate the psychological terrain together.

For students who want to become therapists/counselors, Donna is a strong proponent of the scientist-practitioner model that emphasizes that good therapy is well-informed by scientific findings about people, psychological disorders, and treatment. This approach combines healthy doses of both intellectual rigor and compassion as we seek to do good in the world.

(Please note that because Donna is a professor at St. Olaf, she does not see current St. Olaf students in her therapy practice.)