

Email address: langerak@stolaf.edu

I am Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at St Olaf College, where I taught from 1972 until 2011 (and I have done some teaching since then).

Currently I teach courses for and I’m on the Curriculum Committee of the Cannon Valley Elder Collegium, an organization that provides continuing education for retired people.  Here is the link

I also serve on the Board of the Kierkegaard House Foundation  (here is the Purpose Statement), which supports scholarship at the Howard and Edna Hong Kierkegaard Library (link to library here).

My wife, Lois, and I have led four semesters abroad for students to Asia, the Middle East, and Global (listed in my Curriculum Vitae) and seven Study-Travel trips for alumni and other adults, including one to the Middle East in 2009, to Holland and Belgium in 2012, to Egypt in 2013, to India in 1015, to Italy in 2016, to South Africa in 2016 and to Croatia in 2019.

Please visit my other links; Family and Colleagues have photos. Most of the articles and papers listed in Curriculum Vitae are available by sending me an e-mail request: langerak@stolaf.edu and many of them are already available at Talks and Papers.  The syllabi link provides information about the courses I have taught, including three seminars with colleagues when I was the Boldt Distinguished Teaching Chair in the Humanities, 2000-03.

Click here for a brief summary of my book Civil Disagreement: Personal Integrity in a Pluralistic Society – Summary of Civil Disagreement


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