When I think about renewable energy sources, I imagine plains filled with wind turbines and deserts filled with solar panels. With in America space isn’t really a big issue having a vast field dedicated to just wind turbines isn’t uncommon or inefficient. America also produces over 100% of the food it needs for its population so we don’t exactly need more space for agriculture back home. But in Japan only around 40% of the food consumed is from Japan. If Japan uses up its farm lands for other resources that means that Japan will have to import even more food. This isn’t economically sustainable for Japan. Other issues occur with importing food as well. People lose trust in food security when they are unable to have a close connection to their food. On our trip today we talked with a representative from the Iitate Power Company (IPC). They showed off their simple solution to the space issue in Japan. After hearing their plan I was almost shocked how simple of an idea it was and that it was not common place across the world. All they did was simple raise up solar panels above the ground so that farms could grow underneath. They called this system “solar sharing”. This refers to how the land is shared for both farming and energy production. Currently IPC has 13 solar sharing setups in the Fukushima region. This method of space sharing also allows for the farms to benefit from the solar panels being in their farming space. For example IPC rents the land from the farmers so the farmers receive some income from the solar production. IPC is hoping to involve farmers more so that they can setup their own solar systems. I worry might be that the shade from the solar panels prevents crop grow but that is not the case. Plants only need so much sun light in the day and already receive plenty of light in a day to complete enough photosynthesis to grow. In fact most crops usually receive too much sun light and are unable to utilize the energy. Not only does this method of shared space allow farmers to generate money from both crops and energy production but it also allows for a safer source of energy to be realized.

After the Fukushima incident people have been afraid of using nuclear energy in such an unstable environment and the people have become painfully aware of the dangers of radioactive waste cause in the Fukushima region. Low level radioactive waste liters the landscape and is covered in large gray sheets. So this more effective use of land in Japan can not only bring farmers more income. It also supports a more sustainable energy resource and brings a positive light to the people in the Fukushima region.