Katherine Tegtmeyer Pak

Emily A. Bowman

Adrienne Falcón

Cate Denial

Xavier Escandell

Tim Gaster
In 2016, he received certification from the organization Immigration Project as an Immigration Liaison and Immigration Navigator. He has also received training on providing “Know Your Rights” workshops. Lastly, he just received certification from the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. after completing an online, 6-week intensive immigration law course, “Comprehensive Overview of Immigration Law”.
Jason Paul

Celeste Tường Vy Sharpe
Celeste Tường Vy Sharpe is the Academic Technologist for Instructional Technology at Carleton College, where she works on digital projects with faculty and staff across campus that infuse technology into the curriculum. She received her PhD in History from George Mason University for her born-digital dissertation project titled “They Need You! Disability, Visual Culture, and the Poster Child, 1945-1980.” In it she argues that the NFIP/MOD and MDA’s poster child campaigns increased the visibility and understanding of physical disability in new ways by depicting disabled American children within their families and communities as full, if physically limited, citizens of the nation. She has taught and published on a range of topics including: culturally sensitive digital representations of temporality; design anthropology, critical theory, and inclusive technologies; hybrid asynchronous online learning and iterative web-writing, and public history and education programs.
Ellen Dunn
Ellen, a junior at St. Olaf, is the student intern for this project. As an intern she is supporting the development of an annotated bibliography and is assisting in the development of the website. Her major is Public Health with an emphasis on the health of refugee and immigrant populations. While studying abroad in Norway in fall 2017, Ellen studied immigration in the context of the Scandinavian welfare state and conducted independent research concerning barriers to primary health care access for immigrants in Norway. Previously, Ellen has interned at The Outdoor Center in Old Oslo, an organization dedicated to providing outdoor education for youth with an immigrant background. She has also interned at the Red Cross in Oslo where she coordinated a “Girl’s Night” dedicated to providing a safe and educational space for young girls of an immigrant background in the community. After graduating from St. Olaf, Ellen is planning to pursue a masters degree in Public Health.