To be a female in Latin America means to be controlled by how men view you: in a constant ebb and flow between innocence and infatuation; the feeling of being infantilized and weaponized simultaneously consumes you.
This piece is dedicated to all the girls and women who are no longer with us, because somebody else stole their lives.
Ser mujer en Latinoamérica significa estar controlada por la forma en que te ven los hombres: en un ir y venir constante entre la inocencia y la infatuación; la sensación de ser infantilizada y mortalizada te consume simultáneamente.
¡Nos queremos vivas y libres! Para Allison, María Luisa, Luany, Yuliana, María Trinidad, Karolay y todas las mujeres a quienes les arrebataron la vida. Esto es para cada una de ustedes.
Photos by Kent McInnis
Photos by Paulina Morera Quesada ’24
Senior Capstone Symposium
On April 26, 2024, my peer Sophia Schillinger and I held a symposium to explain our process of creating our respective individual majors and working on our capstone projects.
Photos by Anne Berry
Please feel free to view my Senior Capstone Project slides, click here.
Please feel free to read my Senior Capstone Project Reflection, click here.