June 18–June 22, 2025
St. Olaf College: Northfield, Minnesota
Pre-conference excursions: Wednesday, June 18
Post-conference excursions: Sunday, June 22
The Crossings and Connections conference offers a wide variety of experiences that will appeal to scholars and researchers of Norwegian migration while also providing foundational sessions geared to the public. Themes of the conference include the reasons for, responses to, and impact of transnational Norwegian migration.
The conference is being held entirely in-person; there will not be any virtual or hybrid sessions.
Dates to note:
- Call for Papers: Open now!
- Submission deadline: October 9, 2024
- Acceptance notification: November 30, 2024
You can propose a variety of contributions (and also multiple contributions) for the conference, including the following.
Research panels
- 20-minute talks focused on your own scholarship will be put together with other similar topics to form a panel
Community talks
- 45-minute talk based on a topical overview of a field
- These are geared toward the public and provide foundational understanding of a subtopic related to the conference.
- The talks will be filmed and available online after the conference.
- Individuals selected will have their conference registration fee waived.
(Examples of the breadth of topics: migration to Canada, Norwegian-language newspapers, settler-colonial interactions)
Book talks
- 45-minute talk based on a new publication
- Presentations of publications from the last decade or to be published within the next year.
- We will organize books to be available for sale through our bookstore.
- 45-minute panel discussion led by a moderator and 3–5 individuals considering, debating, or examining a topic.
- 45- or 90-minute sessions that focus on skill development through hands-on sessions or experiential learning
- Examples could include using archives, Norwegian migration in the classroom, community resources
Digital Poster Sessions
- Published digitally to this website before the conference.
Tentative Conference Schedule
Wednesday, June 18
Pre-Conference Events, Check-In, Walking Tours of St. Olaf/Velkommen, & Dinner
Musical Migration concert (Urness Recital Hall)
Thursday, June 19
Opening Keynote
Sessions I-IV
Dinner at the Red Barn Farm
Friday, June 20
Session V-VII
Poster Sessions, Bazaar, and Film Screening
Illuminating 200 Years of Norwegians in North America exhibit in the Groot Gallery
Saturday, June 21
Final Keynote
Sessions VIII-X
Social Hour, Dinner, and Dance at the Northfield Armory
Sunday, June 22
Post-Conference Events
Call for Papers
Submit your proposal via our online form.
Be sure to include:
- The type of session you are proposing
- Abstract (300–500 words in length)
- Bio (written in the third person, 100–200 words in length)
- CV (PDF)