Curious who will be among the speakers at the conference?
Confirmed speakers to date:
Do you have any corrections or updates? Feel free to email cc2025 at!
Rakel Ystebø | Alegre | Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology |
Annette | Atkins | Saint John’s University/College of Saint Benedict (Emeriti) |
Eric | Becklin | St. Olaf College |
Remi | Berg | Independent Scholar |
Betty | Berglund | University of Wisconsin-River Falls (Emeriti) |
Sandra | Bestland | Independent Scholar |
Amy | Boxrud | Norwegian-American Historical Association |
Synneva | Bratland | Independent Scholar |
Nordahl | Brue | Independent Scholar |
Hilde Petra | Brungot | Independent Scholar |
Kari Lie | Dorer | St. Olaf College |
Per Ivar H. | Engevold | Independent Scholar |
Christine | Ericson | University of Alaska Anchorage |
Tine Berg | Floater | The Armed Forces Museum of Norway |
Oddgeir | Fossli | Independent Scholar |
Bård | Frydenlund | Eidsvoll 1814, the Constitution Museum |
Laurann | Gilbertson | Vesterheim Museum |
Melissa | Gjellstad | University of North Dakota- Grand Forks |
Hans-Petter | Grav | NTNU |
Inga Lill | Grønnerud | Independent Scholar |
Olivia | Gunn | University of Washington Seattle |
Torgrim | Guttormsen | Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) |
Liv Marit | Haakenstad | Independent Scholar |
Helene | Hamar | Volda University College |
Kayla | Hanson | University of Oslo, Center for Ibsen Studies |
Kari G. | Hempel | University of Stavanger, Norway, retired associated professor |
Ruth | Hemstad | National Library of Norway and University of Oslo |
Mona | Holm | UiO/Anno museum Kvinnemuseet/Norsk utvandrermuseum |
Marthe | Hommerstad | National Library of Norway |
Karen Annexstad | Humphrey | Independent Scholar |
Dag | Hundstad | Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Rena) |
Jens Johan | Hyvik | University of Oslo |
Maren | Johnson | Luther College |
Ida Moen | Johnson | University of Wisconsin Madison |
Terje | Joranger | Norwegian Emigrant Museum and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences |
Svein-Halvard | Jørgensen | Nord University |
Marika | Josephson | Independent Scholar |
Dana | Kelly | Norwegian American Genealogical Center |
Jeff | Kindseth | Independent Scholar |
Dean | Krouk | University of Wisconsin Madison |
Marte | Lægreid | VID University College (Oslo) |
L. DeAne | Lagerquist | St. Olaf College |
Lori Ann | Lahlum | Minnesota State University, Mankato |
Tom | Loftus | Independent Scholar, Former US Ambassador to Norway |
Laura | Loge | Independent Scholar |
Birger | Løvlie | Volda University College (Emeriti) |
Mikael | Lyngaas | University of Oslo |
David | Mauk | University of Oslo |
Ralph | Meier | Volda University College, Norway |
Erik | Moe | University of Washington Seattle |
Miranda | Moen | Independent Scholar |
Jostein | Molde | Independent Scholar |
Erik | Mustad | University of Agder |
Gunnar | Nerheim | University of Stavanger |
Tom | Olmstead | Independent Scholar |
Daron | Olson | Indiana University East |
Nils Olav | Østrem | University of Stavanger |
Knut | Øyangen | Western Norway University |
Anna | Peterson | Luther College |
Lee Ann | Potter | Library of Congress |
Per Bjarne | Ravnå | Nord University |
Sarah | Reed | Brigham Young University |
Hope | Reilly | Library of Congress |
Siv | Ringdal | Norsk Folkemuseum |
Caitlin | Sackrison | St. Olaf College |
Marie Fongaard | Seim | Norsk Folkemuseum |
Troy | Smith | Library of Congress |
Jana | Sverdljuk | National Library of Norway |
Sean | Taylor | Minnesota State University, Moorhead |
Tanya | Thresher | St. Olaf College |
Ingrid | Urberg | University of Alberta, Augustana Campus |
Inger-Kristin Larsen | Vie | Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Rena) |
Kristina | Warner | Norwegian-American Historical Association |
Sarah Anne | Waters | Belhaven University |
Hisham | Zaman | Snowfall Cinema |
Solveig | Zempel | St. Olaf College (emeriti) |