Curious who will be among the speakers at the conference?

Confirmed speakers to date:
Do you have any corrections or updates? Feel free to email cc2025 at!

Rakel Ystebø Alegre Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology
Annette Atkins Saint John’s University/College of Saint Benedict (Emeriti)
Eric Becklin St. Olaf College
Remi Berg Independent Scholar
Betty Berglund University of Wisconsin-River Falls (Emeriti)
Sandra Bestland Independent Scholar
Amy Boxrud Norwegian-American Historical Association
Synneva Bratland Independent Scholar
Nordahl Brue Independent Scholar
Hilde Petra Brungot Independent Scholar
Kari Lie Dorer St. Olaf College
Per Ivar H. Engevold Independent Scholar
Christine Ericson University of Alaska Anchorage
Tine Berg Floater The Armed Forces Museum of Norway
Oddgeir Fossli Independent Scholar
Bård Frydenlund Eidsvoll 1814, the Constitution Museum
Laurann Gilbertson Vesterheim Museum
Melissa Gjellstad University of North Dakota- Grand Forks
Hans-Petter Grav NTNU
Inga Lill Grønnerud Independent Scholar
Olivia Gunn University of Washington Seattle
Torgrim Guttormsen Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU)
Liv Marit Haakenstad Independent Scholar
Helene Hamar Volda University College
Kayla Hanson University of Oslo, Center for Ibsen Studies
Kari G. Hempel University of Stavanger, Norway, retired associated professor
Ruth Hemstad National Library of Norway and University of Oslo
Mona Holm UiO/Anno museum Kvinnemuseet/Norsk utvandrermuseum
Marthe Hommerstad National Library of Norway
Karen Annexstad Humphrey Independent Scholar
Dag Hundstad Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Rena)
Jens Johan Hyvik University of Oslo
Maren Johnson Luther College
Ida Moen Johnson University of Wisconsin Madison
Terje Joranger Norwegian Emigrant Museum and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Svein-Halvard Jørgensen Nord University
Marika Josephson Independent Scholar
Dana Kelly Norwegian American Genealogical Center
Jeff Kindseth Independent Scholar
Dean Krouk University of Wisconsin Madison
Marte Lægreid VID University College (Oslo)
L. DeAne Lagerquist St. Olaf College
Lori Ann Lahlum Minnesota State University, Mankato
Tom Loftus Independent Scholar, Former US Ambassador to Norway
Laura Loge Independent Scholar
Birger Løvlie Volda University College (Emeriti)
Mikael Lyngaas University of Oslo
David Mauk University of Oslo
Ralph Meier Volda University College, Norway
Erik Moe University of Washington Seattle
Miranda Moen Independent Scholar
Jostein Molde Independent Scholar
Erik Mustad University of Agder
Gunnar Nerheim University of Stavanger
Tom Olmstead Independent Scholar
Daron Olson Indiana University East
Nils Olav Østrem University of Stavanger
Knut Øyangen Western Norway University
Anna Peterson Luther College
Lee Ann Potter Library of Congress
Per Bjarne Ravnå Nord University
Sarah Reed Brigham Young University
Hope Reilly Library of Congress
Siv Ringdal Norsk Folkemuseum
Caitlin Sackrison St. Olaf College
Marie Fongaard Seim Norsk Folkemuseum
Troy Smith Library of Congress
Jana Sverdljuk National Library of Norway
Sean Taylor Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Tanya Thresher St. Olaf College
Ingrid Urberg University of Alberta, Augustana Campus
Inger-Kristin Larsen Vie Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Rena)
Kristina Warner Norwegian-American Historical Association
Sarah Anne Waters Belhaven University
Hisham Zaman Snowfall Cinema
Solveig Zempel St. Olaf College (emeriti)