Conference Transportation

Conference Transportation
The St. Olaf campus is located in Northfield, Minnesota, approx. 45 minutes south of the MSP airport. There is no public transportation between MSP airport and Northfield. To make the conference easily accessible and affordable, we have organized shuttles.

All shuttles cost $20 per way and must be pre-booked during conference registration beginning Feb. 28.

Airport location: Buses pick up and drop off passengers at Terminal 1 in the Transit Center on Level 1 of the Silver Ramp.

Arrival Shuttle (MSP→STO) Wednesday, June 18

Shuttle #1: AM pre-conference shuttle (arrives in time for pre-conference tours)
7.45am pick up at MSP airport (if needed)
8.00am pick up at Fairfield Inn Bloomington/ Mall of America (MOA)
9.00am arrival at St. Olaf College Buntrock Commons
Luggage drop and secure storage on campus (afternoon check-in)

Shuttle #2: Afternoon conference shuttle (arrives in time for regular conference)
3.00pm pick up at MSP airport Terminal 1
4.00pm drop off at St. Olaf College
4.15pm drop off Fairfield Inn Northfield 

Departure Shuttle (STO→MSP) on Sunday, June 22 

Shuttle #1: Morning shuttle
9:00am pick up at Fairfield Inn Northfield, 9:15 pick up at Rand Hall
10:15 am arrival at MSP, 10:30 am arrival at Fairfield Inn Bloomington / MOA

Shuttle #2: Afternoon shuttle
2:15pm pick up at Fairfield Inn Northfield, 2.30 pick up at Rand Hall
3:30pm arrival at MSP, 3:45 pm arrival at Fairfield Inn Bloomington / MOA

Shuttle #3: Evening shuttle
5:15pm pick up at Fairfield Inn Northfield, 5:30 pick up at Rand Hall
6.30pm arrival at MSP, 6:45 pm arrival at Fairfield Inn Bloomington / MOA

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