Crossings and Connections: Norwegian Migration to North America, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., June 18–22, 2025

NAHA, NAHA-Norge, NORTANA, and the Norwegian Dept. at St. Olaf College are excited to announce Crossings and Connections (CC2025) — a special conference commemorating 200 years of Norwegian migration to/ from North America.

The conference offers a wide variety of experiences that will appeal to scholars and researchers of Norwegian migration while also providing foundational sessions geared to the public. Themes of the conference include the reasons for, responses to, and impact of transnational Norwegian migration.

We invite proposals for papers that exemplify the range of approaches, methods, and sources available to scholars of Norwegian Migration. While the Crossings and Connections conference is focused on the time period of 1825–2025, topics on earlier migrations on the east coast and the Dano-Norwegian colonization in the Caribbean from before 1825 are also welcomed.

Proposals will be accepted beginning in May 2024. More information about details and deadlines is coming soon!

Aerial view of the St. Olaf College campus