Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae: Edward A. Langerak

Updated 2024

Address: 205 Manitou St., Northfield, MN 55057


I. Education

Calvin College, B.A., 1966.

Princeton University, M.A., 1969; Ph.D., 1972.

University of Michigan, M.A., 1972.

Ph.D. Thesis: Orienting Oneself Rationally: Kant’s Constructive Philosophy of Religion.

II. Employment and Teaching

St. Olaf College: Assistant Professor, 1972-78; Associate Professor, 1978-87; Professor, 1987-2011; Professor Emeritus, 2011-

Visiting instructor: University of Chicago, 1978-79; Calvin College, 1985-86

Boldt Distinguished Teaching Chair in the Humanities, 2000-03.

Philosophy courses on normative ethics, metaethics, social and political philosophy, values and agriculture, logic, Kant, medical ethics, death and the meaning of life, Aristotle, American philosophy, phenomenology and existentialism, philosophy of religion, and metaphilosophy.  Eighteen interdisciplinary values-related courses with sixteen colleagues in Political Science, English, Religion, Education, Biology, Sociology, Psychology, and Physics. Instructor in “The Great Conversation,” a “great books” program of liberal arts education, 1987-89, 1994-96, 2001-03, 2007-09, and 2009-11.

Field Supervisor of off-campus programs:

Term in Asia, 1989-90: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand.

Terms in the Middle East, 1996-97 and 2010: Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Israel.

Global Semester, 2003-04: Geneva, Turkey, Egypt, India, Thailand, China, Korea.

Leader of Alumni Study-Travel trips:

Turkey, Israel-Palestine, and Jordan, January 2009; Netherlands, April 2012; Egypt, March, 2013; India, 2015; Italy, 2016, South Africa, 2016; and Croatia, 2019.

Courses taught for Cannon Valley Elder Collegium:

The Role of Religion in Public Life, 2014 and 2016; Pivotal Figures in Western Ethics, 2019; Mortality and the Meaning of Life, 2019 and 2022; The Moral Life: Ethics and Literature, 2020; Debating Controversial Moral Issues, 2021; Aging is Hard: Can Philosophy Help?, 2023.

III. Professional Activity

A. Publications


Civil Disagreement: Personal Integrity in a Pluralistic Society.  Georgetown University Press, 2014.

Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice.  Co-authored with Hessel Bouma (Biology), Douglas Diekema (Physician), Ted Rottman (Sociology), and Allen Verhey (Theology). Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1989.  400+xv pp.

Articles and Chapters

“How Do Theological and Philosophical Ethics Relate and Compare?” Religions 13: 971, 2022.  Free Access:

“Ethics and Civil Society,” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, eds. Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro (Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 2021).

“Vocation without the Supernatural: Calling in Secular Traditions,” in Calling in Today’s World: Voices from Eight Faith Perspectives, eds. Kathleen Cahalan and Douglas Schuurman (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1916) 202-23.

“Civil Society,” in The Routledge Companion to Theism, eds. Stewart Goetz, Victoria Harrison, and Charles Taliaferro (New York: Routlegee Publishers, 2013) 415-26.

“Religious Pluralism and Perspective Pluralism,” in Politics, Pluralism and Religion, eds. Chandana Chakrabarti and Sandra Jane Fairbanks (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010) 30-49.

“Theism and Toleration,” A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, 2nd edition, eds Charles Taliaferro, Paul Draper, and Philip Quinn (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2010) 606-13.

“Convergence in the Public Square?” in Religious Studies Review, 35/4 (December, 2009) 213-26.

“Seeing Through,” The Cresset. LXXI/3 (February, 2008), 44-47.

“Religion in the Public Square,” Philosophy Compass, vol. 2, issue 1 (January, 2007) 129-40.

“Twenty Flags over Postville,” Agora, Winter, 2001, pp. 13&14.

“Disagreement: Appreciating the Dark Side of Tolerance,” Philosophy, Religion, and the Question of Intolerance, eds. Mehdi Amin Razavi and David Ambuel (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997) 111-24.

“Theism and Toleration,” A Companion to the Philosophy of Religion, eds. Philip Quinn and Charles Taliaferro (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1996) 514-521.

“Eutychus, Gods, and Dozing Dog-Daze,” The Cresset, LVIII/2 (November, 1994) 10-13.

“Pluralism, Tolerance, and Disagreement,” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 24, numbers 1/2 (Winter/Spring 1994) 95-106.  Reprinted in Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology, eds. Charles Taliaferro and Paul Griffiths (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), 453-61.

“Ethics and Animals,” The Ethics of Using Animals for Food and Fiber, ed. H.M. Fairnie (Minneapolis: CENSHARE, University of Minnesota, 1994)1-9.

“Duties to Others and Covenantal Ethics,” Duties to Others, eds. Courtney Campbell and Andrew Lustig (Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994) 91-108.

“Choices at the End: Thinking About Euthanasia,” Review essay in The Cresset, LX/4 (February, 1992) 12-15.

“Teaching How to Disagree,” Values in Teaching and Professional Ethics, ed. Carlton T. Mitchell (Macon: Mercer University Press 1989) 135-148.

“Forgiving Ignorance,” The Reformed Journal, 32/10 (October, 1982) 7-10.

“Values in the Curriculum,” The Forum for Liberal Education, IV/3 (February, 1982) 2-4.

“On Becoming Too Old to Die Young,” The Reformed Journal, 31/1 (January, 1981) 11-13.

“Abortion and the Middle View: Reply to Critics,” The Hastings Center Report, 10/3 (June, 1980), p. 4.

“Abortion: Listening to the Middle,” Hastings Center Report, 9/5 (October, 1979) 24-28.  Reprinted in Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, 2nd and 3rd eds., eds. John Arras and Robert Hunt (Palo Alto: Mayfield Publ. Co., 1983 & 1989); Comprehensive Theological Perspectives on Abortion, ed. Gary N. McLean (St. Paul, Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, 1983); What is a Person? ed. Michael F. Goodman (New York: Humana Press, 1988); Bioethics, eds. Rem B. Edwards and Glenn C. Graber (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1988); Morality and Moral Controversies, 3rd ed., ed. John Arthur (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1993; Life Choices: a Hastings Center Introduction to Bioethics, eds. Joseph Howell and William Frederick Sale (Baltimore: Georgetown University Press, 1995); Contemporary Social Issues: Diversity and Consensus, 2nd ed., ed. Lawrence Hinman (Prentice Hall Publisher, 1999); Potentiality: Metaphysical and Bioethical Dimensions, ed. John P. Lizza (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013).

“Pluralism and Variety in Values Education,” Soundings, LXII/3 (Fall, 1979) 311-322.

“Respect, Judgment and Love,” The Reformed Journal, 20/4 (April, 1979) 59-64.

“Freedom: Idea and Ideal,” Hearing and Doing: Philosophical Essays, eds. John Kraay and Anthony Tol, (Toronto: Wedge Publishing, 1979) 39-64.

“An Interdisciplinary Experiment in Teaching Values,” Teaching Philosophy, I/4 (Fall, 1976) 423-433.

“The Possibility of Love,” The Reformed Journal, 26/2 (February, 1976) 25-27.

“On Foreknowledge and Necessity,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. I (1976) 12-16.

“Abortion and the Potentiality Principle: Reply to Tooley,” Philosophy and Public Affairs, II/4 (Summer 1973) 410-416.

Book Reviews

List available of reviews in Reprint Bulletin Book Reviews (12 reviews), Religious Studies Review (6), The Cresset (2), The Thomist (1), Faith and Philosophy (3), and Calvin Theological Journal (1), Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (2), and other journals.

B. Selected Professional Lectures and Papers

“How Can We Keep Liberal Democracy Alive and Well?” Simpson Forum, St Peter, MN, Feb. 23, 2023.

“Meanings of Life and Death,” The Belgum Lectures, St. Olaf College, March 9 and 10, 2017.

“Compromise in the Debate about Public Square Debates,” Minnesota Philosophical Society, St Paul, Nov. 7, 2009.

“Religious Pluralism and Perspective Pluralism,” Conference on Politics, Pluralism and Religion, Mankato University, April 14, 2007.

“Politics and the Free Exercise of Religion,” University of Minnesota at Morris, November 1, 2005.

“Plurality and Integrity,” Hong Kong Baptist University, December 1, 2003.

“Academic Civility and Questioning Motives,” American Philosophical Association, March 27, 2003, San Francisco.

“Reply to ‘Corporations Cooking the Books and Kant’s Thought Experiments,’” annual meeting of Minnesota Philosophical  Society, Sept. 28, 2002, University of Minnesota.

“Ethics Across the Curriculum in a Pluralistic Society,” Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning,” Feb. 14, 2002, Bloomington, MN.

“Using Students’ Own Moral Decisions as Case Studies,” Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum, Feb. 2, 2002, University of Florida, Gainsville.

“Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights,” University of Minnesota School of Agriculture, St. Paul, January 23, 2001.  Repeat Jan 29, 2002.

“Teaching Ethics Across the Curriculum: the St. Olaf Faculty Development Workshops,” annual meeting of Association for Practical and Professional Ethics,” Washington DC, Feb. 28, 2000.

“A Christian Argument for Political Self-Restraint,”  conference on “Cultivating Citizenship,” Baylor University, Oct. 29, 1999; also given at a Calvin College conference on “Political Thought after Liberalism,” May 29, 1999.

“Ethical Issues and Normative Perspectives at St. Olaf,” conference on “Teaching Ethics Across the Curriculum,” Rochester Institute of Technology, Oct. 16, 1999.

“Academic Civility and Impugning Motives,” annual meeting of Minnesota Philosophical Society, Duluth, October 9, 1999.

“Mill on Qualities of Pleasure: Reply to Glass,” Minnesota Philosophical Society, Carleton College, Oct. 25, 1997.

“Teaching Ethics Across Disciplines,” American Association of Higher Education, Atlanta, Jan. 20, 1996.

“Political Justice and Lobby Markets: Response to White,” Minnesota Philosophical Society, October 21, 1995.

“Pluralism, Tolerance, and Disagreement,” Annual meeting of Pacific Division of American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, April 1, 1995.

“How to Bootstrap Egoism into Altruism: Response to Van Ingen,” Minnesota Philosophical Society, October 29, 1994.

“Disagreement: Appreciating the Dark Side of Diversity,” conference on “Intolerance and Toleration,” Mary Washington College, Virgina, November 5, 1993.

“Pluralism and Tolerance,” Minnesota Philosophical Society annual meeting at St. Cloud State University, October 23, 1993.

“Ethics of Using Animals for Food and Fiber,” lecture presented at Agriculture School, University of Minnesota, and simultaneously telecast to 19 other Agriculture schools in US and Canada, April 18, 1991.

“Reply to Estlund’s ‘Puzzle of the Minority Democrat,’” American Philosophical Association, Central Division, April 28, 1988.

“Abortion, Samaritans, and Levites,” Society of Christian Philosophers, Bethel College, St. Paul, MN, October 9, 1987.

“Termination of Artificial Feeding” and “Status of the Fetus,” Symposium on Medial Ethics sponsored by Calvin College, Michigan Statue University, and the Luke Society; Grand Rapids, MI, October 17 and 18, 1986.

“Abortion and the Good Samaritan,” Seminar sponsored by Institute for Christian Studies; Toronto, Ontario, June 7, 1986.  Also delivered at Calvin College Lecture series, May 1, 1986.

“Killing and Allowing to Die,” Seminar sponsored by Hospital Chaplains Association; Holland, MI, April 17, 1986.

Four lectures on medical ethics at workshops for medical professionals, sponsored by Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship, October 31, 1985 (“Imago Dei”), December 5, 1985 (“Team Disagreement”), March 20, 1086 (“Abortion”), and May 15, 1986 (“Informed Consent”).

“Tolerance, Cooperation, and Respect for Wrong Views,” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division; New York, December 29, 1984.

“Ethics of Homicide,” Symposium with Philip Devine and Henry West, Minnesota Philosophical Society, November 3, 1984.

“Personal Commitment and Pluralism,” Minnesota Philosophical Society, October 19, 1983.

“Teaching How to Disagree,” Luce Lecture, Wake Forest University, October 11, 1983.

“Abortion: Murder and Mandatory Motherhood,” Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN, October 18, 1981.

“Abortion, Potentiality, and Conferred Claims,” The American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division; New York, December 30, 1979.  Pervious versions delivered at The Minnesota Philosophical Society, October 20, 1979, and at the American Society for Value Inquiry, Cincinnati, April 28, 1978.

“Abortion, Law, and Religion,” University of Chicago Divinity School, May 5, 1979.

“Privacy and Technology,” seminar sponsored by the Minnesota Committee for Privacy Studies and the Minnesota Humanities Commission, University of Minnesota, May 23, 1978.

“Freedom: Meaning and Value,” University of Minnesota at Duluth, February 16, 1977.

“St. Olaf’s Values Program: Problems and Prospects,” (with David Wee), The Society for Values in Higher Education, South Bend, August 17, 1976.

“Teaching Medical Ethics to Undergraduates,” Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Workshop at St. Olaf and Carleton colleges, April 10, 1976.

“Teaching Values,” Western Conference (of American Philosophical Association) on the Teaching of Philosophy, Chicago, April 24, 1975.

“Social Control of Technological Development,” Minnesota Colloquy of the Society for Values in Higher Education, Northfield, February 9, 1974.

“Beyond Skinner,” Minnesota Colloquy of the Society for Values in Higher Education, Camp Koinonia, MN, October 27, 1973.

“Religion in Recent Social Philosophy,” Society for Values in Higher Education, St. John’s College, Collegeville, August 1972.

C. Selected Popular Talks

“Roots and Wings,” Sermon, First United Church of Christ, Northfield, MN, May 19, 2024.

“Aging is Hard: Can Philosophy Help?” Annual Meeting of Cannon Valley Elder Collegium, April 28, 2024.

“Get Wisdom,” Chapel talk, St Olaf College, October 10, 2023.

Talks on “Civil Disagreement and Current Politics” First United Church of Christ, Northfield, Dec. 18, 2016; Unity Lutheran Church, Red Wing, Feb. 12, 2017; and Shepard of the Valley Lutheran Church, Oct. 16, 2018.

“Confident Humility,” Chapel talk, St Olaf College, April 10, 2013; sermon at First UCC, Northfield, June 9, 2013.

“Is There Life Before Death? And Other Questions about the Meaning of Life,” St. Olaf on the Road (alumni gathering), Seattle, May 14, 2011.

“God’s Power and Human Freedom: Indicative Meets Imperative,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, April 7, 2011; also a sermon at First UCC, Northfield, July 24, 2011.

“How to be Open-Minded without Being a Moral Wimp,” St. Olaf on the Road (alumni gatherings), Denver, October 24, 2009, and DesMoines, November 14, 2009.

“Pluralism without Relativism,” Manitou Heights Forum in Minneapolis, May 26, 2009. Earlier version to Language and Literature faculty, April 24, 2009.

“Rights and Wrongs in the Over-Promised Land,” St Olaf Alumni, May 24, 2008.

“Perspective Pluralism,” St. Olaf Study Travel Conference, April 5, 2008.

“The Just War Tradition,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, November 19, 2007.

“The Ethics of Global Warming,” Carleton College, Conference on Global Warming, June 19, 2007.

“Getting Wisdom,” sermon at First UCC, Northfield, October 15, 2006.

“Seeing Through,” Honors day talk, St. Olaf College, May 5, 2006.

“Short Easter,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, January 25, 2006.

“Can Fathers Be Friends With Their Sons?”  Father/Son Banquet, St. Olaf College, February 19, 2005.

“Can Values Be Taught?” panelist at University of Dubuque, October 28, 2005.

“Moses Most Humble,” sermon at Northfield UCC, July 13, 2003.

“Just War and Iraq,” Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, April 27, 2003. Also at Northfield Methodist Church, April 22.

“Moses and Humility,” Community Time talk, St. Olaf College, October 10, 2002.

“Scholarship at a Liberal Arts College,” Minnesota Private College Week, St. Olaf College, June 24 and 25, 2002.

“God in Athens, Jerusalem, and Mecca,” Chapel talk, St .Olaf College, March 13, 2002.

“Ethics for Advocates and Adversaries in an Adversarial System,” panelist, Liberal Arts and the Law Conference, St. Olaf College, May 17, 2001.

“What Should Lutherans Think of Other Religions,” panelist on St. Olaf Forum for Interreligious Dialog, Dec. 7, 2000.

“Saul, Paul, and Dual Identity,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, October 25, 2000.

“Animals and Theistic Stewardship,” Called to Serve conference, St. Olaf College, April 8, 2000.

“Do We Worship the Same God?” sermon at First United Church of Christ, meeting at Valley Grove, July 4, 1999.

Christian Mission and Animal Rights,” Minnesota Conference of United Church of Christ, April 24, 1999.

“Civil Disagreement,” Carl Melby Memorial Lecture, St. Olaf College, April 13, 1999.

“Is Toleration Enough for Peace?”  Nobel Peace Prize Forum, Augsburg College, February 20, 1999.

“Getting Wisdom,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, Sept. 24, 1998.

“After Ethics in the Liberal Arts,” address to opening faculty meeting, Hiram College, Aug. 14, 1998.

“General Education and Core Education,” address to opening faculty  meeting, Calvin College, Aug. 27, 1997.

“Faculty Development in Hard Times,” St. Olaf Volunteer Leadership Conference, August 2, 1997.

“Cloning and Gods,” First UCC, Northfield, May 11, 1997.

“Ecumenical Gestures and Religious Journeys,” St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield, May 4, 1997.

“ Religious Toleration and the Middle East,” St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield, April 3, 1997.

“Learning and Listening,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, March 10, 1997.

“Principlism in Medical Ethics,” District One Hospital, Faribault, October 26, 1995.

“Are Animals Neighbors Too?” four talks sponsored by Minnesota Humanities Commission; Minneapolis, February 13, 1995; St. Louis Park, March 21, 1995; St. Paul, April 4, 1995; and Bloomington, June 19, 1995.

“Contracts and Covenants,” sermon at First United Church of Christ, Northfield, MN, May 28, 1995.

“Civil Disagreement and Nuclear Waste Management,” Northfield League of Women Voters, October 27, 1994.

“Eutychus, Gods, and Dozing Dog-Daze,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, February 7, 1994.

“Extravagant Gestures and Obscene Consumption,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, February 6, 1992.

“Rationing: Medical Costs and Moral Choices,” Northfield League of Women Voters, January 14, 1992.

“Euthanasia” and Living Wills,” St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield, January 7 and January 21, 1992.

“Ethics of Age-Based Alllocation of Medical Care,” and “Ethics of Pre-Natal Diagnosis and Abortion,” York Retirement Home, Minneapolis, March 5 and 19, 1991.

“Abortion: Personal Ethics and Public Life,” St Olaf Lutheran Church, Austin, MN, January 17, 1991.

“Ethics and the Environment,” panelist, Conference on Liberal Arts and the Law, St. Olaf College, October 16, 1990.

Response to “Abortion, Politics, and the Catholic Church,” by William Werpehowski, at St. Olaf Theology Forum, October 16, 1990.

“Abortion, Religion, and Law,” St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield, October 14, 1990.

Response to “Liberal Arts Education in a Multicultural World” by Leon Rotstein, Joyce Scholar Conference, St. Olaf College, October 11, 1990.

“Animal Rights,” Seminar for Co-Lead, College of St. Catherine, St Paul, April 3, 1990.

“Technology, Tragedy, and Medicine,” First Lutheran Church, LeSueur, MN, March 25, 1990.

“Individualism and Community in American Culture,” Chiang Mai University Philosophy Department, Thailand, December 21, 1989.

“Suffering in Frankl and in Buddhism,” Chiang Mai University Philosophy Department, Thailand, November 27, 1989.

“Agriculture, Theology, and Ethics,” Root River Conference of ELCA, Harmony, MN, February 11, 1989.

“Moral Maturity,” St. Olaf Teaching-Learning Center, October 20, 1998.

Response to James Fowler’s “Integrating Model of Character Development,” Lutheran Faculties Conference, Luther College, September 30, 1988.

“Ethics at the Beginning and End of Life,” First UCC, Northfield, October 23, 1988 and January 8, 1989.

“Science, Technology, and Values,” NSF Young Scholars Workshop, St. Olaf College, June 27, 1988 and June 21, 1989.

“Teaching Tolerance Without Relativism,” Symposium on Lutheran Colleges and Faith and Moral Development, Minneapolis, May 7, 1988.

“Abortion, Murder, and Mandatory Motherhood,” Hope College Critical Issues symposium, Holland, MI, March 2, 1988.

“Withholding Artificial Feeding,” St. Olaf Teaching-Learning Center, November 18, 1987.

“American Agriculture and Human Values,” St. Olaf Alumni College, May 12, 1987.

“Covenants and Contracts,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, February 10, 1987.

Panelist (with a physician and a theologian) on a television talk show aired on the Grand Rapids (MI) local NBC affiliate, June 22, 1986; current issues in medical ethics.

“Nursing Ethics,” Calvin/Hope Colleges graduating nursing class; Holland, MI May 2, 1986.

“Artificially Prolonging Dying,” Plymouth Christian Reformed Church; Grand Rapids, MI, March 2, 1986.

“I will accept no bull from your house” (Psalm 50:9, RSV), Chapel talk, Calvin College, February 17, 1986.

“Christian Perspectives on Dying,” Harderwyk Christian Reformed Church; Holland, MI, February 16, 1986.

“Tolerance without Relativism,” Christian Educators Association, Annual Meeting; Grand Rapids, MI, November 1, 1985.

“Fragmented Loyalties,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, January 10, 1983.

“Christian Liberal Arts: What is the Difference?” Symposium at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, November 18, 1982.

“Pricing Human Life: Technology and Decision,” Mason City Public Library, Mason City, IA, October 19, 1980.

“Forgiving Ignorance,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, November 18, 1980.

“On Becoming Too Old to Die Young,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, March 4, 1980.

Four talks on medical ethics at Minnesota hospitals and service clubs, 1980-1984.

“Abortion, Law, and Medicine,” panelist on ABC TV programs, Chicago, first broadcast December 13, 14, & 15, 1978.

“Respect, Judgment, and Love,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, October 4, 1977.

“Values Education: Confrontation or Nurture?” St. Olaf College student-faculty retreat, Camp St. Croix, April 16, 1977.

“Life-Boat Ethics,” Food Forum: the Ethics of Hunger, University of Minnesota at Waseca, January 13, 1977.

“How to Prevent St. Olaf from Changing Your Values,” talk to first-year students, St. Olaf College, September 6, 1976.

“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,” panelist on Radio Community Forum, WCAL, Northfield, May 13, 1976.

“Values and Private Colleges,” Associated Colleges of the Midwest Deans of Students Conference, November 9, 1975.

“The Possibility of Love,” Chapel talk, St. Olaf College, October 27, 1975.

“The Ethics of Behavior Modification,” Alumni College, St. Olaf College, May, 1973.

Four talks at the Division of History, Philosophy and Religion, St. Olaf College, February 13, 1976; April 4, 1982; October 29, 1982; and April 12, 1983.

Five sermons, Northfield United Church of Christ: June 27, 1976; August 3, 1980; July 19, 1981; November 21, 1982; May 28, 1995; and July 4, 1999 (meeting in Valley Grove Church).

D. Consultant and Workshop Leadership

Led five Faculty Development Workshop Seminars for Ethical Issues and Normative Perspectives, 1992-2005.

Consultant to Northfield Hospital Ethics Committee, 2000-03.

Leader of faculty workshop on teaching ethics across the disciplines, Hiram College, August 14, 1998.

Director of three Faculty Development Workshops for Ethical Issues and Normative Perspectives, St Olaf College, summers of 1996-98, and Spring Term and summer, 2001.

Outside consultant for Luther College Philosophy Department, Decorah, Iowa, March 31, 1992.

Retreat leader for St. Olaf/Augsburg Social Work Departments;  “Professional Ethics and Personal Values,” Feb. 21, 1992.

“Are Values Taught or Caught?” Keynote address and workshop leader, Bishop Clarkson College, Omaha, Nebraska, September 6-7, 1991.

Outside Consultant for Philosophy Department Assessment, Centre College, Danville, May 2-4, 1990.

Screening Panelist for NEH Fellowships for College Teachers, Washington D.C., August 14-15, 1988

E. Honors, Grants, Awards

Belgum Lecturer, St Olaf College, March, 2014.

Honors Day speaker, St Olaf College, May 5, 2006.

Boldt Distinguished Teaching Chair in the Humanities, 2000-03.

Participant in Boldt Faculty Seminar, 1999.

Fellow in PEW Summer Faculty Seminar, Calvin College, 1998.

Mellon Faculty Seminar Participant, St. Olaf College, Interim and Spring Terms, 1991.

Faculty Development Grant, Summer, 1988, St. Olaf College.

Fellow, Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship, 1985-86.

Humanities Development Award, St. Olaf College, 1982 (also in 1976 and 1973).

National Humanities Institute Fellowship (NEH), at University of Chicago, 1978-79.

Kent Fellowship (Danforth Foundation), 1968-71.

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1966-67.

F. Professional Associations

Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society.

American Philosophical Association; Program Committee, Western Division, 1981-82.

American Association of University Professors.

Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.

Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences.

Minnesota Philosophical Society; Vice-president and Chair of Program Committee, 1975-76; coordinator of annual student meeting, April 10, 1999.

Society for Values in Higher Education; Chair of national Membership Committee, 1975-77.

Society of Christian Philosophers.

IV. College Activities

Planning Committee and Director’s Council for The Institute for Freedom and Community, St Olaf College, 2014-17.

Board of Kierkegaard House Foundation, 2012-
President, 2013-

Secretary to the Faculty, 2009-10.

Great Conversation Evaluation Committee, 2009-10.

Regents-Faculty Committee, 2007-08.

Boldt Chair Task Force, 2007-08.

Institutional Review Board, 2006-10.

Advisor for Term in the Middle East, 2005-10.

Search committee member, Political Science, 2004-05, and Religion, 2005-06

Committee on Mission and Identity of the College, 1999-01.

Director of Bush Grant, NEH Grant, and ACLS Grant for Faculty Development in Ethical Issues and Normative Perspectives, 1996-98.

Great Conversation Steering Committee, 1987-91, 1994-96, 1998-2010.

Animal Research Committee, 1997-2009.

Chair, Committee for Ethical Issues and Normative Perspectives, 1994-2010.

Faculty Ambassador 1993-97.

Kierkegaard Library Committee, Chair, 1993-94.

Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Courses, 1994-97.

Program Review Committee, 1993-94.

President’s Council, 1993-94.

RPC Subcommittee for Faculty Governance for International Studies, 1991-92.

Faculty Regents Observer, and thereby Faculty-Regents Committee and President’s Council, 1991-92.

Human Subjects Research and Survey Committee, 1990-95.

Cross-Cultural and Global Understanding Committee, 1989-91; Chair, 1990-91.

Chair of Philosophy Department, 1984-85, 1987-98.

St. Olaf Agricultural Concerns Committee, 1976-85.

Review and Planning Committee, 1980-83, 1993-94; Secretary, 1981-82; Faculty Welfare Committee, 1972-74; Tenure Policy Committee, 1972-73.

Curriculum and Education Policies Committee, 1973-76 and 1986-87; Chair, 1975-76; Special Studies Sub-committee, 1986-88.

Council on Faculty Seminar on Human Studies, Mellon Grant, 1986-1989.

Task Force on St. Olaf as a College of the Church, 1986-87.

Regents-Faculty Committee, 1983-85.

Director of Faculty Seminar and Interim Project on the Professions, Bush and AAC Grants, 1982-83.

Director of Faculty Seminar on Technology and Values, NEH Grant, 1980.

Danforth Liaison Officer, 1977-80.

Curriculum and Education Policies Committee, 1973-76; 1986-86; Chair, 1975-76; Special Studies Sub-committee, 1986-88.

Planning Committee for Interdisciplinary Values Program, 1973-75, 1977.

Community Council, 1973-74.

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