September 28 – October 2, 2015

Monday, Sept 28

SeminarGenomics in model and nonmodel species
Dr. Suzanne McGaugh, Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota
RNS 410, 4:00PM

Genomic divergence and diversity is far more complicated between diverging species and populations than we previously recognized. Here, I will present data from two genome-wide datasets illustrating the utility of genomics to answer questions in biology. First, I will show large-scale signatures of natural selection throughout the genome. Next, I will show the impact chromosomal inversions can have on shaping species diversity and divergence relative to genome-wide patterns. Finally, I will present new data using cavefish has a model system for population genomics. Cavefish populations, Astyanax mexicanus(Teleostei: Characiphysi), exhibit repeated, independent evolution for a variety of traits including eye degeneration, pigment loss, increased size and number of taste buds and mechanosensory organs, and shifts in many behavioural traits. Surface and cave forms are interfertile making this system amenable to genetic interrogation; however, lack of a reference genome has hampered efforts to identify genes responsible for changes in cave forms of A. mexicanus. Some preliminary population genomic analysis will be presented.

The McGaugh Lab is recruiting graduate students for Fall 2016. Please contact for more information.

MSCS Colloquium:  Partitions and Overpartitions: A Theorem of Legendre
Tina Garrett, Associate Professor of Mathematics at St. Olaf College
Abstract: We will introduce the basics if integer partitions and describe a relatively new class of partitions called overpartitions.  Overpartitions, first described by Corteel and Lovejoy, imply results related to the classical Legendre theorems in partitions theory.  We will describe some of the newest results in the study of overpartitions.3
3:30pm – 4:30pm, RNS 310

Tuesday, Sept 29

No seminar

Wednesday, Sept 30

Physics and Chemistry Joint Seminar: Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy Reveals Ultrafast Energy Transfer Events In Photosynthesis
Pete Dahlberg, Biophysical Sciences Graduate Program, The University of Chicago
2:00-3:00 pm, RNS 210

Thursday, Oct 01

No seminar

Friday, Oct 02

No seminar