Global Perspectives
I am originally from New Zealand and that, in itself, does provide me with some understanding of being an immigrant. Although, I am definitely fortunate to have avoided difficulties that other immigrants may have suffered; being white, English speaking (although sometimes debated) and coming from the home of the Hobbits has afforded me many privileges. Nonetheless, I assess the local and national practices from an “outsider’s” perspective. I feel this has been a benefit in the classroom, where I can challenge norms and practices and ask students to consider other viewpoints. I am delighted by the growing national and international diversity St. Olaf has been experiencing in the student body in recent years, and work to connect with all students on a level of empathy and sensitivity.
I revel in the opportunity to explore new cultures and experiences. In 2011-12, I was the Assistant Field Supervisor for Global Semester, with Gary Muir, and was fortunate to take 27 students to seven counties over five months. It was an enlightening experience in countless ways. We learned with, and from, our students and immersed ourselves in the broad range of cultures, religions and practices. For example, we arrived in Egypt, months after Mubarak had been ousted and the country was rejoicing in the power of the people. It was a defining moment in the history of that country that I felt privileged to share in and one that I will not forget. Exploring these experiences through the eyes of 18-21 year olds is exhilarating and informative.
Global Semester motivated me to propose an interim in New Zealand entitled “Innovation in New Zealand” that I intend to offer every two years beginning in January, 2017. Additionally, Gary has been approved to lead Environmental Science in Australia in Spring, 2018, when I will reprise my role as Assistant Field Supervisor. I believe these experiences enrich my teaching by providing multiple international and cultural experiences to draw on.
“Sian Muir creates a classroom overflowing with dedication, challenges, and joy. She diligently taps into what her students need on both a personal and academic level, then challenges them to think bigger and braver. During my college experience, Sian was both my most patient safety net and my fiercest challenger. She taught me how to think as an entrepreneur, and showed me the value in becoming a community leader centered around strong vision, compassion, and determination.”
Christina Berget ’13
Global Semester 11-12
Education Director
Ashland Productions