The research team members wish to express their sincere gratitude to all the interviewees for participating in this project. Their sharing of stories and personal memorabilia is the heart and soul of this project. The team would also like to thank the St Olaf Collaborative Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (CURI) program, The TRiO McNair Scholars program, the Digital Humanities on the Hill/The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for their support, as well as the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM). The assistance from St. Olaf Instructional Technology staff and interns at the Digital Scholarship Center (DiSCO) along with the Research & Instruction librarians was much appreciated. In addition, the team is grateful to the individuals who were members of the previous research teams and those who helped us throughout every step of the way, notably Jacob Caswell, Huong Jenny Dao, Paoge Moua, Thao Nguyen, Evan Pak, Josh Pelayo, Sumner Pitt, Harrison VanDolah, Meena Wainwright, Jonah Wang, and Irham Yunardi. This project is still a work in progress and a part of the Asia in Minnesota series; all comments and suggestions are welcome.