Speed through the city on a rental bicycle

Travel to important city sights on the burarin-go

Rent a car for a mountain drive

Grab a taxi to find your next fun spot

These six taxi services can help you get around town. The Kitakata area code is 0241.

Aizu Taxi Tel. 22-5555

Kitakata Taxi Tel. 22-0016

Hanaichi Taxi Tel. 22-0871

Shiokawa Taxi Tel. 27-2141

Aoi Taxi Tel. 27-8111

Yamato Taxi Tel. 38-2025

Cruise the beautiful winding mountain passes and smooth hills, or move around town quickly by bicycle during your stay. Check out these convenient rental places. Kitakata City telephone area code is 0241.

Sato Bicycle Rental
Tel. 23-2769

Akutagawa Folk Crafts
Tel. 22-0388

Watanabe Bicycle Rental
Tel. 22-2526

The Kitakata Burarin-go Bus makes convenient stops on a loop around town. For inquires, contact Hirota taxi at Tel. 0242-75-2321. The Burarin-go map is pictured below. The bus runs from April to November, on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays; and every day during Golden Week and summer holidays. An adult one-day pass allows unlimited rides for ¥500 (child pass is ¥300). One-day passes are sold on the bus. Single ride tickets for adults cost ¥200 (child ¥100). The conductor onboard can answer any questions. Timetable and stops listed below.

There are two regular bus routes that run through Kitakata. For more information please call these numbers. The Kitakata telephone area code is 0241.

Aizu Bus Kitakata Business Office
Tel. 22-1151

Bandai Toto Bus
Tel. 21-1050

You can rent a car from Toyota during your stay. The Kitakata telephone area code is 0241. Please call this number for more information.

TOYOTA Rent-a-Lease
Tel. 21-1050

Take a guided tour around the city in a cool velotaxi! The service is open April to November, from 11:00 AM until sunset. Please call the number below for more information. One hour costs ¥3,000; two hours costs ¥7,000. Tel. 0242-75-2321