Experience the beauty of Kitakata flora
Recommended Locations

Oguninuma Crater Pond
Located on the western slopes of Mt. Bandai, Oguninuma is a crater lake formed by the eruption of Mt.Nekoma. Designated a national natural monument, this part of Bandai-Asahi National Park is awash in wildflowers against the backdrop of a pristine mountain lake. In order to protect the flowers, hikers use an extensive boardwalk to explore and enjoy. A mountain bus regularly runs from the base of the mountain to the peak. From there it is around a 10 minute walk to Oguninuma proper.
From Kitakata Station: Take the Shuttle bus for Kanazawa Toge and get off at the final stop. From here it is a 5 minute walk to the Oguninuma mountain shuttle station.

Mt. Iide
One of Kyuya Fukuda’s 100 Famous Mountains of Japan, Mt. Iide is famous for its long religious history. The founder of the ascetic mountain sect Shugendō, En no Ozuna, established the mountain as a holy site in 652. Since then, monks of the sect commonly travel to the mountain to practice their religion. The mountain is also famous as the site of ancient Shinto pilgrimages to the shrine at its peak.
From Kitakata Station take the Banetsu-Sai line and disembark at Yamato Station. From there take the bus bound for Kawairi and get off at the last stop. The trail head is located within sight of the station.
Nichusen Memorial Bike and Pedestrian Path
Rated one of Japan’s top flower viewing locations by Wa-Oh! Japan, Nichusen Memorial path is located less than a minute away from Kitakata station and features over 1000 weeping cherry trees.
Mt. Iide
Mt. Bandai
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