These are courses I taught for St. Olaf.
(From 2005 onward I only taught courses abroad in Europe and Africa.)
Religion 12: Interpreting the Christian Heritage
Religion 19: Problems of Religious Thought
Religion 21/121: The Bible in Culture and Community: Laws and Prophets
Religion 35/235: The Christian Tradition in History
Religion 212: Christian Theology in Historical Context
Religion 62/262/213: The Lutheran Heritage
Religion 214: Reformation Theology
Religion 81/381: Reformation Studies
Religion 92: Medieval Religious Life
Religion 392: Medieval Piety and Spirituality
Religion 399: Integrative Seminar on Mysticism
Religion IIc: Christian Lifestyles in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Religion ME63: The Origins of Christianity
Religion ME51: Christianity in Greek and Roman History
Religion 61I: Christian Rome to 1600
Religion 261: Religion and Culture in Rome
Religion 262: Catholic Rome, Lutheran Wittenberg
Religion 62/262: Religious Conflict in the Middle East
Religion 251: Religion and Cultural Diversity in South Africa
Religion 140: Sacred Cities-Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca
Religion 244/241: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
ID 252: History and Religion in South Africa (co-taught with Helena Pohlandt-McCormick)
The Great Conversation at St. Olaf:
ID 15: The Greeks and the Hebrews
ID 13: The Romans and the Early Christians
ID 16: The Medieval Synthesis
ID 17: New Forces of Secularization
ID 18: Revolution and Fragmentation
Paracollege Seminars:
Christian Monasticism
Humanities Seminar: From Renaissance to Enlightenment
These are independent study projects I have supervised
Modern Theologies
Slavic Christianity
Reformation Studies
Religion in Ireland
Jewish-Christian Relations
History of Christian Mysticism
Dark Ages Monasticism
History of Christian Education
Major Protestant Denominations
The Medieval Inquisition
History of American Lutheranism
The Neronian Persecution of the Church
Jewish, Christian, Muslim Interpretations of the Akedah
New Testament Perspectives on Polity and Worship
Religion and Sexuality
Comparative Monotheism
Religious Persecution in the Ancient World
Topics in Islam
The Politics of Islam
History of Islam in Spain
Last modified September 2016