This is the topic that took me away from Gertrude Sovik for a few weeks, though her life offers its own window on the topic in the 20th century.  Global Lutheranism was a major focus of my previous sabbatical, so I was pleased to be able to both make use of that work and add to it for:

  1. a bulletin insert in a series produced by Augsburg Fortress for observation of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
  2. a short article for a larger, congregational resource edited by Kit Kleinhans for the same purpose
  3. six sessions for the remarkable participants in the NW Wisconsin Synod (ELCA) Lay School of Ministry

As so often happens as one teaches, after the third ‘release’ (see post on process and progress), I have some ideas that need to be recorded in more detail than my power point notes have done.  I’m writing those up so that I’ll have them when I teach Lutheran Heritage next January and maybe to write something . . . . later.  This spring is for other topics.