Truly distilling the three weeks we’ve spent at the Asian Rural Institute into one short blog post would be impossible. Early mornings, days filled to the brim with foodlife farm chores and academic work, and the constant companionship of a like-minded community all work to create a daily rhythm far different from the quotidian realities of life in the United States. When reflecting on my brief time at this institute, the impression that will stick with me the most is the sense of purpose imbibing the community as a whole and every individual act of the day. Though there were times when a task felt repetitive or menial, it never felt pointless and I often found myself getting lost in the moment while doing something as simple as cutting cabbage or mixing pig feed. Regardless of ones attitude, every move we made contributed to feeding the community and perpetuating the sustainable mission of ARI. One of the most heartfelt conversations I had while at ARI was with Julia, one of the German volunteers, when she told me, “we may grumble and act like we don’t enjoy living here but each one of us loves ARI so much. Coming here changes you as a person by forcing you to consider what you are doing for others’. Though a month was perhaps not enough time to feel the full impact of an ARI education, I do not doubt the authenticity of her words in the least. ARI’s commitment to servant leadership was one of my favorite parts about their mission, as I think it is one of the most admirable and effective types of leadership. Many of the dilemmas facing the world today are massive issues that can induce a sense of helplessness in those seeking to make a change, and the ARI experience was an unforgettable reminder that people all across the globe are indeed making positive progress, one foodlife session at a time.