With Nature, Not Against

With Nature, Not Against

While international travel always brings one into contact with new foods, new people, and new ways of life, the diversity of our world is never so striking as the moment where you think, this would never happen where I come from. I’ve had a couple of those moments in...
What Nature Means to Me

What Nature Means to Me

It has been almost two weeks since our class got a second prompt to think about and write about. That prompt went like this: what is the natural landscape of Japan like? As soon as I heard that prompt, I said to my professor, “isn’t it hard for us to find natural...


Throughout our time in Japan so far, we have had the privilege to experience everything from Tokyo rush hour to the inner workings of a rural Japanese sustainable farm. Throughout all of the changes that we have gone through, one thing has remained constant: the...

Food: The Thread That Unites Us All

There is no sincerer love than the love of food  -George Bernard Shaw  At ARI, everything is done together.  Morning exercises, cleaning, and farm work are all performed as a team, building a sense of community, togetherness, and friendship.  Gathering people from all...

Our Waste is a Resource

ARI reaps benefits from what others would call trash. The benefits of finding resources in your surrounding, local environment plays a huge part in the ARI coined term: foodlife. Foodlife is a word I have been processing since being introduced to the ARI term a few...