Happy Farmers

Happy Farmers

‘Happy?’ Mr. Tomatsu gazed back at me and my question with a bemused and slightly confused expression. ‘Of course he’s happy!’ interjected his wife and fellow farmer as the group of Oles burst into laughter at the earnestness of their reply. One aspect of good food...
What Once was Yanaka

What Once was Yanaka

What Once was Yanaka is now left to be forgotten. Tucked away in low, low plains of the Watarase River Basin. Hidden from the snow streaked mountains. Hours to arrive, hours to get back, time used to reflect on the lives that once lived and tended to this land and...
Japan and Tackling the Energy Problem

Japan and Tackling the Energy Problem

There are two sides of the components of the global energy problem: consumption and generation.  Our field trips in Japan have illustrated how we might tackle both sides of the issue. On January 11, 2018, our classes visited the Non-Electric Company.  The founder...