Our Waste is a Resource

ARI reaps benefits from what others would call trash. The benefits of finding resources in your surrounding, local environment plays a huge part in the ARI coined term: foodlife. Foodlife is a word I have been processing since being introduced to the ARI term a few...

Religious Monuments In Japan

On the day of January 6, 2018, our two classes went to the Meiji Shrine in Shibuya, Tokyo.  We walked under this large arch and a pathway lead to the shrine.  There were pamphlets to demonstrate how to properly wash ourselves at the cleansing stations.  Since it is...
Pragmatic Idealism in Organic Farming

Pragmatic Idealism in Organic Farming

The term idealist and utopia may have lost its glamour for many in the twenty-first century, but at the Asian Rural Institute, they maintain that environmental sustainability is not a far-off dream. The only choice is for us to grasp it or let the earth slide between...