entrepreneurial business and design

I’ve had an entrepreneurial mindset for as long as I can remember. From starting a ‘School Store’ in second grade to creating a clothing brand at 17, I’ve always had an idea and I’ve always done everything I can to carry out that idea. With the ideas also comes the need for designs and branding. Since I would constantly be drawing logos and potential products, I grew a love for art and design. These two passions began to grow alongside each other, where working on one led to growth on the other. I found myself torn between the two industries. I asked myself “Do I go to school for graphic design or do I go for business?” However, after my first visit to St.Olaf, I immediately decided I was going to enroll here. The problem was that the St.Olaf curriculum did not include a business or graphic design degree. I settled on majoring in economics since I felt that was my nearest option to my passions. Upon taking a few economics courses, I quickly learned that the material presented in these courses was not enjoyable nor applicable to my future career. I felt as though I may have to transfer but instead found myself in a conversation with a friend who was telling me about his individual major. I looked into the opportunity and was ecstatic to find that I could be able to stay at my dream school and still be able to pursue my desired career. My excitement did not last long as I was falsely informed that I would be unable to develop such a major as it did not fit within my timeframe at St.Olaf. However, I could not allow myself to give up on either St.Olaf or my passions. Through meetings, emails, and sheer desire, I find myself here ready to expend all my resources and time in order to obtain my dream degree at my dream school.
A degree in Entrepreneurial Business and Design would provide me with the necessary skills to excel in my future life and career. The major tackles three main components: Business Operation and Management, Entrepreneurial Analysis and Thinking, Design and Production. Each component is an essential part of operating a business with the highest level of productivity possible, while also operating in an ethical and morally sound manner.
Business Operation and Management, essentially leadership and administrative/organizational abilities, can be applied to many different aspects of life. Whether it’s being a manager for a company, or having a bottom-tier job and needing to be a leader to keep morale high. Leadership skills are necessary for success in any position. The material presented throughout the courses of this component provides a clear understanding of how to lead a team while providing sufficient support and motivation. In this aspect of the major, there’s an emphasis on learning to communicate effectively, structuring an efficient team environment, taking on responsibility, and sustaining a positive administrative relationship.
A great entrepreneur is able to identify a problem, create a solution to said problem, and promote the solution in a way that allows those who identify with the problem to obtain the solution. Entrepreneurial Analysis and Thinking addresses the mentality and process of solving problems through the lens of an entrepreneur. This process includes the research and development of products, creating marketing campaigns, analyzing financial data and records, and establishing a connection with the local community. The course material within this component will give me the practice and understanding necessary for completing and mastering the skills of an entrepreneur.
Creating a product is the epitome of being an entrepreneur. The design of the product can determine whether or not the product is well received, and in turn, purchased. Similarly, the design scheme of marketing material for the product greatly influences the reputation of the product. In the Design and Production component, I will work to refine my skills in graphic design and design theory. The course material will range from specific technological skills that familiarize me with the tools of design, to color and shape theory that describes how/what aesthetics draw attention and intrigue consumers.
I enjoy every minute I spend at St.Olaf. In such a welcome and supportive community I feel inspired to pursue my dream career. I hope to graduate with an Entrepreneurial Business and Design degree and then be able to use my knowledge of business management, entrepreneurial analysis, and design to operate a business, create new ventures that address problems, and design material that visually engages customers and the public. By working closely with administration and my peers, this degree will provide me with the necessary skill set in order to thrive in the business world and be competitive in the industry. There is growing opportunity in the fields related to the major, but there is also heavy competition. For example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates from now until 2030, there will be ~24,000 jobs for graphic designers and states that entrepreneurship is rising fast in the number of business ‘births’ since the 2008 recession.
Through the three components of Business Operation and Management, Entrepreneurial Analysis and Thinking, and Design and Production, I will complete a versatile curriculum that engages me with the community and fosters problem-solving. St.Olaf has the resources and creative atmosphere that will allow me to excel in this major and career field.